Lazard Deusericus catch-up(pt 2)

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-First kiss------------------------------

Who pulled the first move: you

Frustration happens to everyone and lazard is no different. Work has piled up high and the already tense air hasn't given him a chance to breathe. It's been a few day,lets say 2 or 3, and lazard hasn't contacted you, not even to check on you or update on his own status. You've grown worried so you made your way to shinra's headquarters to check up on your s/o only to find him passed out on his desk. Tired and exhausted. Feeling bad, you exited the building for a coffee and snack run for him. When you return, lazard groggly wakes up to see you with bags and a cup in hand. "This is for you" you said as you placed the food and drink on his desk. After placing his things on the desk, lazard pulls you in for a hug and kisses your cheek before pecking your lips. "What did i do to deserve you"

-What happens when he's jealous--------------------------------

-Rare moments when this man would be genuinely angry

-like how dare u

-not to say he's a jealous man but he can hold a grudge

-not to you for he also views you as a very attractive person

-I also feel like he expected this to happen

-now will he do anything to the person flirting with you

-it depends on if you want him to do something about the guy

-he would just exit you out the situation if you become uncomfortable

--What type of yandere would he be---------------------------------

-sweet kind and possessive

-in his eyes you're like his and no one is taking you away from him

-atleast he treats you right

-he trusts you a whole lot so restrictions on friends or what you can do is not a issue

-but I can't promise you that trackers will not be involved

-How would they react when there S/o says "I love you"----------------


-became a puddle

-say it again

-he's evaporating

-but in all seriousness he needed that

-he would say it back definitely

-like "I love you more than you know" something like that

-he truly appreciates that and it would make his day so much better

-It establishes that he has someone waiting for him when he gets home :)

-What nickname would they use for you----------------------------------------





-something short enduring and sweet

-or something that fits your personality

-for example if you have a gremlin personality he would call you dizzy

Or wild card 

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