First kiss(part 3)

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Rufus (sorry for it being short)

Who pulled  the first move: rufus

Rufus had a day off and came over to your place for a little surprise visit. He arrived at your place and waited for you to answer the door so he could give you a small kiss.

Barret (also pretty short)

Who made the first move: barret 

You're at seven heaven with the new baby in your arms and also taking care of Marlene. Tifa couldn't help you as she was on a mission as well. This leaves you alone. After putting the kids to sleep you got some sleep yourself. Unknowingly , barret comes home early and sees you all snuggled in bed and he gives you a small kiss before leaving the room.


Who pulled the first move: you

Everything you did was by accident , all because you forgot to sleep. You stayed up until like 3am because of (some random reasons). It's now around 12PM and Tifa was mopping the floors of seven heaven. You happen to walk in and completely ignore the fact 'the floor is wet' sign. When Tifa turned she was greeted by you slipping on the floor and fell on her and kissed her lips. But you passed out at the end leaving Tifa to drag/carry you home. 


Who pulled the first move: Nero

Today was one of those days where he sneaked out and faked he was on a mission. He flew over to your house and both of you ended up snuggled on the couch watching some crime show. It was peaceful until his communicator started beeping and it was his brother who absolutely NOTHING about you. Weiss asked about his whereabouts and why his tracking is off. He stayed calm but he was slowly panicking inside. He was ordered to turn on his tracking before Weiss sends Rosso to track him down. He turned off his communicator and explained the situation but before he could fly off he gave you an apologizing kiss before zooming off.

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