what happens when they're jealous(part 4)

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-she'll just get angry and fussy

-she knows when a person is complimenting you and who's actually flirting with you

-if a person is flirting with you she would tell them off and explain you two are together and make it very clear she wants to leave that situation

- after that she would complain to you how dare they mess with you and trying to sound tough

-but during that whole encounter she was nervous as heck

-if a creep is hitting on you she will not hesitate to jump on that person

-literally she will jump kick a creep if necessary


-like yuffie she'll get fussy but defensive

- most likely would tell the person off no matter it's a flirt

-definitely ask if you're ok

- if it's a creep she'll get the chair

- you wouldn't know where or how she found a chair but she has it equipped and prepared to use it

- after that altercation she'll smile and drag you away like nothing happened 


-definitely acts like she's unbothered by the fact someone is flirting with you but it bothers her quite a lot

- if she had enough she would hold your arm and pretend she needs you for something like a secret message on how uncomfortable she's getting

-when you two are out of earshot of that person she'll drop the act and tell you everything about what she feels like

-if a creep is bothering you, she would do the same but be more persistent about it and would try to drag you off. Then vent about how much she wanted to punch that person


-i think out of everyone he's the most straight forward out of everyone

-also would see this from a mile away

-he would ignore the person as ask you if the person is bothering you, then he handles the situation

-if the person was bothering you he would lead you away from the situation

-if not he would stick around just in case

-if the person is being too much of a creep. He'll punch them and proclaimed it was for self defense or doing his job

(A/N: memes to enjoy. :))  


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