What type of Yandere would they be (part 1)

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(warning: some things in this can be sensitive to some people. If you feel uncomfortable with obsessive clingy overall yandere behavior please don't read)


-he'll be that overprotective yandere

-he wouldn't kill someone unless they threatened your life

-not the type of person who would kidnap you but he would limit the amount of friends you have

-whenever he gets the chance he would be clingy towards you

-he will follow you to make sure you're not doing anything he would dislike

-he forbids himself from hurting you physically or emotionally and would prefer not to use none of those methods

-there's a chance he would use his past trauma to explain his action and wholeheartedly say he doesn't want you to leave him but to him that's a last resort 


-probably the least likely to be yandere and would most likely never see it coming

-he know what he wants and knows how to get it

-will not hesitate to kidnap you but would play it off as a person who wants you dead

-secretly possessive over you and honestly can't stand when people try to take you away

- hurting you in any way ,shape ,or form is a big turn off for him. He would want to make you more happy then sad

- over all he'll be more low-key about it


-he's possessive ,controlling ,dominating ,and cunning individual and he'll be the more obvious ones but you wouldn't know until you start dating him

-he'll push you to your limits but also be very tender towards you

- he's good with his words like VERY good and will use that against you

-he would stay far from hurting you but most likely would hurt you mentaly due to his persuasion

-differently if he could, he would chain you somewhere in his house or apartment.

-he will kill a person if he considers them a rival or obstacle for your love and affection

- loves holding you in his arms and cuddling you

-he will do punishments which mostly consisted of mental scarring or caging you


-100% will kidnap you

-the only time you leave his place is to make sure he doesn't look suspicious

-would put a collar on you

- you're like a god/goddess to him

-he wouldn't hurt you at all but would just keep you locked up

-definitely would kill someone

-likes to hold you when he reads

- he likes to dress you up just because he would like to see you in them

-he will punish you if you disobey but it would be chaining you to a room for weeks or something. Nothing physical


-Mega overprotective

-would trap you in his place so he could protect you better

-respects your boundaries

-definitely would put security proof the place so you wouldn't escape or have anyone taking you away

-probably wouldn't kill a person but it heavily depends on the situation

-he would loosen up and let you interact with others only just to not raise suspicion

-like reno. He's a bit low-key and not a mega yandere

-if you get so much as a scratch he admittedly takes you back to his place and keeps you there

-punishments are not a big thing but he would just lock you away

-hurting you in anyway is a automatic no for him

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