Shelke Catch-Up

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-how you meet

You're an expert weaponsmith originally from gongaga but you set up shop in Edge.You happened to pass by an old ruin and saw a girl around your age passing by, unbothered by your presents. You couldn't help notice her broken weapon and a slightly frustrated look on her face. "Hey girl do you need help fixing that" you called. She turned to you in an almost robotic motion "How are you able to fix such technology without proper tools at hand" she asked, you gave her a smile "Fixing that is easy work besides i just set shop nearby. I can fix it there if you're willing" you offered "Fine senses you're so insistent. Lead the way" she asked. You gave a slight nod and led her to your shop "make yourself at home. Mind if i see that" you asked. She gave you her sabers and you began mending the broken damage "so where you from you don't look like you're from here" you asked "where i came from is not of importance" she replied and you laugh catching her off guard "So can i know your name or is that classified as well" you asked "...It's Shelke" she replied "(Y/N) but you can call me (N/N). I was from gongaga but I moved to midgar to make a better living buttttt things went downhill from there but I managed" you relied "Finished why don't you give your weapons a spin" you said as you gave her the fixed saber. She turned it on and it worked exactly how it's intended to be "How much" she asked "Just a visit when you get the chance and maybe some lunch" you replied.

-what your friendship was like

~It started off as just visiting you just for repairs but then it turns into visiting you just for the heck of it

~Shelke would be confused on why she visits you but she just can't help but to enjoy your company

~Similar to Nero your friendship is secretive and prefers if no one knows about you

~She shows a bit more emotion around you. Just a little

~Your shop and home becomes her safe space

~You help her be more attuned with her feelings

~She secretly developed a plan on how you would escape if anyone from deepground finds out about you

~She brings you random gifts just to see you happy


Who confessed: shelke

Being around you makes her feel weird. She almost got in trouble by spacing out just thinking of you. She thought maybe if she just avoided you for a while can cure the feeling in her stomach but everything she looks at reminds her of you. The warm sun reminds her of how lovely she feels when she's with you. The moon reminds her of the peace she feels when she chills in your shop. The breeze, your calming atmosphere, the grass, your soft touch. She's helplessly in love but just doesn't know how to comprehend the idea. She didn't last a day before she came running to your house and literally burst through the door "Shelke! What's wrong are you hurt" you asked as you came to her "YOU. you is what's wrong" she said, her face turning red by the second "I..I Like you" she said as she put her head down. "I like you too" you reply. She shot her head up and you can visibly see the stars in her eyes "now do you want something to drink. You look thirsty" you asked. Without a word she gave you a hug "thank you"

-How do they get your attention

Like Vincent, she respects your private time and would just find something else to do. But she would ask you if you can fix something of hers just to get your attention

-dating them includes-

~Being observant 

She is not the most vocal person and majority of the time has a blank face so to tell if she's in a bad mood you have to pay close attention to detail. Sometimes she would have a frown that not many would notice. If you do pay attention she would grow to be more vocal around you


She would love it if you encouraged her and made her feel special especially when she's not around her sister at all. It just make her feel a pleasant way

~Secretive relationship

Like Nero , your relationship has to be kept under wraps in fear of what Weiss or Nero will do to you and her. Losing you would be the worst possible thing she can imagine

~Dealing with her cat like personality

Lowkey acts like a cat. If you pay attention to someone else but her she would get a bit fussy and a little clingy but it isn't noticeable. I think the closest comparison would be Xiao from genshin impact

-First kiss

who pulled the first move:Shelke kinda

One day Shelke saw a couple outside and one of them was sitting on the other's lap and she wondered if she could do it with you. When she visited your place she randomly sat on your lap. She thought it would be the end of that but was soon rewarded with a kiss for her boldness. The following night shelke was doing her normal duties then Rosso randomly came up to her "why are your ears so red" she asked "I had my helmet on too tight" she said with a blank expression. When Rosso left , the rest of her face turned red from embarrassment

-what happens when they're jealous

~She would cling on to you and would have a slight glare at the person

~If it's a creep she would drag you away or threaten the person with her saber and you had to drag her away

-what type of yandere would they be

~1000% a delusional yandere

~She would believe everything is to insure your safety

~She wouldn't hurt you but she would lock you in your own house

~She would have security cameras to make sure you wouldn't escape

~Shelke would be super clingy and doesn't like anyone around you

~If you go out she has to be with you

-halloween headcanons

~She would go to a pumpkin patch and would get the biggest pumpkin

~She would want to dress up with you and help pass out candy

~Haunted houses and scary movies are ok in her book.she never found the joy when people act stupid in films

~Would ask you if you two can make desserts together for halloween

~Anything to spend time with you for that day.

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