confections(part 1)

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Who confessed: You 
You two have been friends for a while and been through a lot and you both couldn't help but fall for eachother. You both knew today was gonna be the day. You both couldn't even look at eachother let alone speak. You two were just sitting staring at your drinks. The awkwardness was felt throughout the bar but you two knew something must be done “so….umm c-c..can i talk to private” you asked Cloud as a small tent of red flushed your face. Cloud nod and you two left. You went out to the sector five church and stood before him “there’s something I need to tell you and I don’t know how you’ll take it” you started “I also have something to say too but you can go first” he said. You looked down as the heat rushed to your cheeks “I’m just gonna bluntly say this but… I like you. like..Like you , like you” you said as you took off your shades to prove your seriousness. You two stood in silence, he came close to you and pulled you in for a hug “I was going to say the same thing” Cloud responded. You sighed and hugged back. Finally some weight off your chest.


Who confessed: reno 

You just got off of a solo mission and you’re sore and tired but you had to report back to your brother so you head in his office first. You walked in to see Reno and Tsung talking about something “oh hello (Y/N)” Tsung greeted which caused Reno to jump slightly “ uuuuh hey what’s up” Reno said as he tried to play it cool “hey. I’m back the mission was a success” you reported Tsung . he nod and dissed missed you. You left the door and went home. Before you went to sleep you checked the mail and saw a red paper fall out of the box. It was for you. You stared at it intensely as you walked back in the house. You placed the rest of the mail on the table and continued to stare at the letter “(N/N) you’ve been looking at it for almost 10 minutes “ Tsung said as he looked up from the letters. You shrugged and opened it to see an invitation from Reno “Odd. i never really see this guy writing a paper letter of sorts” you commented “Even so what does it say” he asked “ he invited me to dinner at a nice restaurant” You replied “I think you should go” Tsung suggested. You looked at him and nodded. Flash forward to the date you bought yourself a nice looking dress

And dolled yourself to look presentable. Then there was a knock at the door and so you opened it to see Reno in a matching outfit. It almost passed for his regular work attire if it weren't for the more button up and tight fitting. He was a gentleman for the whole night and you could brag on it for days but you knew something was on his mind. During dinner after your meals were served you bluntly asked “So what’s with all of this” he looked at you “You...don’t like it” he asked “No it’s not that I loved it actually it’s just your attitude seems a bit fake” you replied “Is something on you mind” you asked leaning forward a little. He’s face grew slightly red and sighs “I like you ok. Gez” he replied as he crossed his arms “Well what took you so long to tell me” you asked “well.. I didn't think I was your type. Tsung said you like more gentlemanly and more orderly people so I thought maybe I” you cut him off by kissing his lips “Haven't you heard the term be yourself? Just because you’re not my ‘ideal type’ doesn't mean i wouldn't like you” you respond. He smiled. After dinner he took you home leaving a permanent smile on your face. 


Who confessed: You kinda 

“So when are you gonna confess to him” zack asked bluntly causing you to choke on your drink “and risk the rejection and have my heart broken” you replied “it’s better to try than not try at all. Besides he must have liked you to recommend you to first class when you were third “ zack said trying to convince you “Even so what if  he just saw potential and not in a romantic way. And I’m SO out of his league” your response “really how so” zack asked “one just by looking at him makes me regret breathing the same air ,two I’m not even that good personality and looks to be even considered a romantic interest, and three I don’t even know if this stoner has romantic feeling over me at all” you groaned as you flopped on your bed “So i’ll say give it a shot” zack replied  “you truly don’t get it” you groaned again then there was a knock at your door. You got up and opened it to see sephiroth. You turned pail as a ghost in hopes he didn't hear you. Zack saw this as your opportunity and leaves and shut the door from behind “heyo sephiroth what brings you here” you asked nervously he chuckles at your nervousness “genesis told me you wanted to talk so I’m here to see what you have to say” he replied although in all reality he heard everything you said. “Well ummm….so….you see i have this sort of… crush on you” you admitted. Sephroth leaned down to your face with your noses touching slightly together “a ‘crush’ you say. I believe it’s more than that”  he replied as he whispered in your ear “you like me don’t you” he asked you nod to flustered to even speak. He moves away from you. You looked down expecting a rejection “ I accept your feelings” he spoke. You looked up at him “ I have over the years grown fond of you. That feeling fills me with an unexpected warmth. I admit I enjoyed it. I want to see that warm feeling to grow” he explained as he gave you a kiss on the forehead and left the room. You stood there a blushing mess. “the plan worked,” Zack said to Genesis as he nodded in satisfaction.


Who confessed: Genesis 

“I need you somewhere” Genesis said bluntly as he stands behind your desk “Oh ok where we going” you asked as you signed off of your computer “You’ll see” he replied as he left your office. You put on some nice warm clothes, it was snowing where you are

You head outside to see genesis looking at the sky and staring at the snow as it falls

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.You head outside to see genesis looking at the sky and staring at the snow as it falls. You stood next to him and stayed in silence. “Poetic is it not” he said as he held his hand out as the snow fell on his hand “I was a monster but then i was turned into something beautiful” he explained as he rest his hand “Maybe my fate would be less peaceful if i didn't meet you” he said “you’ve been there by my side even though you have no right to” he said as he turns to you and took you hand “my dear will you give me your permission to call you my goddess” he asked. You nod froshusly and bringed him in a hug. He sighs in relief as he returns the warm hug as the snow dances in your unity.


Who confessed: you kinda 

You happened to be hanging out with sephiroth genesis and zack at the time scene Angeal was on a mission for awhile. You have know idea why there in angeal’s office but they’re friends with him so you thought nothing of it. After a while you saw them glancing at each other and not saying a word. Curiosity got the best of you so you asked “ is there something wrong” then Zack came up to the desk and asked “do you have a crush on anyone” . you choked on air “what do you mean” you replied “zack you said the question wrong. Now is this someone Angeal” Genesis asked. As if all brain functions stopped working you froze as heat rises up in your cheeks  “i’ll take that as a yes” sephiroth concluded. You blushed and tried to focus on your work. “What do you like about him?” Zack asked. You began listing qualities about him and as you kept going you start to get lost in you own words almost like you're in your own little zone. You stopped in embarrassment as Zack chuckled while Genesis encouraged you to say more things about him which you blindly did. You turned back to your computer and scoffed “don’t you guys have other things to do then to bother me” you pouted . they left leaving you there to do your work in peace. After a few hours it was late you’ve completely forgot about the situation and you were on break so you decided to read or something. Then you felt something on your cheek. You blushed, realizing that was a kiss,and looked up to see angeal “w what was that for” you asked then angeal pulls out a tape recorder which had everything you said about him and more “Sephroth gave this to me and I feel the same” he said as he put it away and picks you up “how about you stay at my place. Just for the night nothing sketchy” angeal offered. You silently agree as he proceeds to take you away. 

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