Dating them includes-(part 2)

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Office trips 

Being a turk and all Tseng would mostly be locked up in his office so you normally go over to the shinra building to spend some time over there

Secret but also not so secret relationship

He wouldn’t go around saying he’s dating you but he also is not the person to keep it locked away. The only reason he’s not to open about it is because your Aerith’s biological sister and doesn't want anyone like hojo to take you away


Dates,depending on the month, are pretty common between you two. You normally improvise random places to go and never fail to surprise Tseng. One day you saved enough money to buy a reservation to a restaurant and he absolutely enjoyed it. But he wouldn’t mind a small stroll in the woods.


Things get tough on both ends of the spectrum so both of you become each other's beacon of light. If one of you is down you have the other picking you back up. In short you are his you’re counselor and you are his counselor 


Confused hours 

Most people know zack has a short attention span so if he ends up zoning out in a conversation do expect confused looks coming from him 

Dealing with his puppy like nature

He lives up to the title zack the puppy and it shows throughout his mannerism. No he doesn't act like a human dog but he gets very excited around you and will practically tackle you with his affection like how a puppy would when he/she hasn't seen her/his owner for a long time. Some perks about it is that he’s extremely Loyal to you so its not too bad. 

Lots almost suffocating affection 

He LOVES to show his love to you and his dedication. No matter if it’s taking you out on mini dates or show up to you at work to drop off a gift or give you a hug or a kiss because he couldn't wait for another hour 


Out of most characters within this scenarios zack would be #1 most reliable person. If you need something done he’ll be right there to help even if he was on a mission he would make sure you're on his top priority list on things that needed to be done. 

Kadaj Yazoo and Loz


I think most of us saw this coming. They will not let you go nor leave you alone for five minutes. There are chances where you can just tell them off but depending on who there is a slim chance they will listen. Loz would most likely be the clingy person and the hardest to get away from

Over protectiveness

This aspect would mostly come from kadaj as he would rather be caught dead than see you with another person. All are protective in their own rights with some more lenient than others 

Teasing or just overall toying with you

Yazoo would definitely fit in this category as out of the three of them he does it the most. All would profusely toy with you ever so often as a form of entertainment as similarly to sephiroth they do love to see your reactions to the things they do

A surprisingly dedication to you

You generally interest them and they all seemly have a tight connection to you although for most if not all it’s very hard for them to express as in all technicality it’s new to them and were generally happy when you had feelings for all of them. Most of the things they do was mostly a test of loyalty and you end up passing their test with flying colors which surprises them. Although all of them are hard to handle they do try to make a effort to be more manageable 

Vincent valentine 

He's your literal shadow 

He will 90% of the time would just be behind you like your shadow. He worries for you even though it's hard to see it so he kinda just chills there making sure you're safe

makes sure you get the care you need

Due to past experience he wants to make sure you take care of yourself and don't overwork to exhaustion. He would never forgive himself if he lets that happen again to another person he cares about 

Random unexpected moments of affection

Vincent is vary bipolar in terms of affection giving. Most of the time you'll have to make the first move as he would be nervous to do it himself but that dosen't mean he never pull the first move. In occasion he would hug you from behind or give you a small little kiss on the cheek or forehead and sometimes ,if you want to,  he would secretly asked if you can cuddle with him but its rare for him to ask as if he does want affection he'll show it though his body language 

Training gun addition

(I'm pretty sure like everyone within these scenarios would do this) like 100% of the people here Vincent wants to be assured that your safe although it's not as required as Angeal sephiroth and genesis but he would teach you how to use a gun in self defense 


Dealing with his rough personality 

Weiss can be demanding and a vary dominated person and it's indiscriminate. Although he's charismatic he can also be sadistic which to most is hard to handle

Being treated like royalty

Being his significant other does have it's perks like being respected throughout the entire board. Most wouldn't even think you would stand a chance to win his heart but you did. 

Treats you better then he treats anyone here 

Yes he's a sadistic prick but he dose have some form of boundaries when it comes to you. Although it really doesn't seem like it you have a lot of freedom and he doesn't order you around or controlling over you heck your even allowed outside the base.

You having to make the first move

Good luck if you want him to ask you out on a date because after that confession you have to make  the first move 99% of the time for he has absolutely no idea how to be 100% romantic. He does try his best but dates when he takes you out mostly consists of missions and killing humans as he hates them. 

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