How would they react when there S/o says "I love you"( part 2)

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-would have the conversation recorded not gonna lie

-it gives him some comfort and reassurance

-if you say I love you to him you'll get yourself a kiss

-low key looks like he isn't phased by it but he gives a small smile though


-Say it if you want to be smothered with affection

-he would ask you to say it again

-this man will attack you with his love, hugs and kisses

-he would shout I love you too

-this man would've had mega butterflies

----------------------Kadaj,yazoo,and loz--------------------------

-all three of them would've been confused

-I guarantee you they never heard those words in there life

-Loz would shed a tear and tackle you into a hug

-probably wouldn't let you go until kadaj or yazoo pries him off

-kadaj would've been in deep thought low key

-he wouldn't know how to respond then get frustrated

-give him a few minutes and he'll just hug you from behind and say "love you too" hesitating the whole time

-yazoo would just stare at you

-definitely would ask you why you love him

-if you give him an answer the he would reply "oh then, I love you too"


-one of the few but many ways to make this man have a decent smile

-it might take him a little bit before replying

-definitely would have this moment on repeat in his head

-he may be quiet about it but he appreciates when his S/o says "I love you" often

-he finds comfort in your voice especially when you give him verbal affection


-would stay silent

- would have no idea how to even react

-he would say "I know" or give a small hum as a reply

-be he would be confused why you say it often

-eventually he would say "i love you too" to humor you but it backfired and he studded as he replied

-anyone who witness that event were sworn to secrecy or they'll die

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