Dating them includes-(part 3)

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Long distance relationship 

Rufus is a business guy especially working with his father. Because if that you both mostly communicate though phone or on computer on facetime

secret relationship  

It's not a big secret but it saves both of you the public attention as dating him is like dating a prince. He may not  be as well known as sephiroth but even he has his own group of crazy people. 


Being his love has its ups and downs but it guarantees your safety agent anything from the revenants to the plate falling 

Minimalists dates 

(Now he's a rich white boy but i honest don't see him being materialist.) He'll most likely have home dinner dates or go to a restaurant you like heck if you want fast food he'll get it. Although you're dates are simplistic he'll go out of his way to make it memorable.

Barret (+Marlene)

Parental figures 

Marlene looks up to you and concludes you as part of there family and even drew a picture of you her and barret

Personal hype man

Barret will make sure you're loved and will support you as much as he can,depending on what you're doing. You'll get encouraging words and even giving you affection hell he'll make sure you know you always have something there that has your back

A man who can do both

Although there's many people here who fits this category,but barret does it the best. When barret is working, he's a stern stubborn and strict individual who doesn't take bs but at home or when he has no missions to do he's a family guy and will be more compassionate and loving to his partner and his daughter as they come first 

Taking care of Marlene

Barret works with Avalanche and there's a lot of times he has to leave on missions to stop shinra or blow up a reactor. Tifa isn't always gonna take care of her which leaves you left. Barret trust you to keep her safe and out of harm's way as he goes out on this dangerous missions.


Working at seven heaven

This one is pretty bluntly obvious, but to explain, you'll be working around seven heaven often as Tifa,although capable, needs help especially when the place is crowded

spends time with you

Tifa is a busy woman and would love to spend time with you as much as she can. Even if you had some place to go she'll most likely join you just.for the sake of having some quality time with you. 

Looking out for each other 

Now Tifa has her issues and you have yours. Tifa is determined to help you with your troubles and cloud expects you to do the same or you'll meet the his buster sword. That's not a threat that's a promise 

1# supporter

Similar to barret, she'll be your hype woman and help/support you on your decisions. If you need help tifa will voice her opinion about the subject and make sure you make the right choice.


nobody knows about you and him being together

Absolutely NOBODY needs to know about you two and it's better if it stay that way. Although he's calm and composed he'd freak out if his brother founds out as he would kill you and hurt him for keeping you a secret thinking he's gone soft

Mostly nightly visits 

Due to your light sensitivity he visits you at night whenever he can as deepground can be challenging place to work in. 

Safe place

Nero basically made your house his safe heaven or like his private getaway.  He likes the simplistic things about it and just being in the same room as you makes his day.

You're personal vent

He's a quiet person and would honestly prefer to listen to you talking about your problems then vocal his problems even though he knows he can. He just likes it like that and loves the sound of your voice. 

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