Halloween headcanons(part 4)

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-Definitely pumped for halloween

-matching costumes because she asked

-trick or treating just for candy

-you guys would trade candy with each other and/or other trick or treaters

-she can handle scary movies but not all of them

-definitely scared of haunted houses

-the type of person to go in a haunted house to be brave but ended up in her S/o's arms instead

-she tried her best


-Matching costumes is a MUST have

-like zack probably has the best decorated house for Halloween

-you guys wouldn't be trick or treating unless you guys feel like getting candy

-you guys would mostly just walk around observing the festivities

-you guys have the best candy like full chocolate bars


-definitely would try to have a group costumes with you and her friends

-would beg for you to go trick or treating with her

-would apologize for acting like a little kid about the whole thing

-you guys would give out candy if you don't feel like going out 


-Halloween movies and chilling all night

-unless reno joins you

-best house to get candy for you guys have full candy bars and big gummy bags

-probably wouldn't be big on dressing up but wouldn't mind the idea of having a costumes

-the only reason why you guys are at a haunted house would be because reno dragged you both there 

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