How would they react when there S/o says "I love you"(part 3)

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-He smiles

-a genuine smile

-low key probably doesn't hear it often from his dad

-so hearing it from his S/o definitely would brighten his day

-I wouldn't say he hasn't heard I love you before but it just feels different coming from his S/o


-will go on a rant on how much he loves you more

-If he's leaving for a mission he'll absolutely love it if you said that to him

-it just leaves him with the thought of trying not to die during the mission for he has a family to go home to

-you earn yourself a bear hug


-low key would've been stunted for like a whole minute

-would stutter when replying

-she knew it would happen at some point but wouldn't expect it so soon

-definitely would apologise for not replying sooner and would say i love you too

-definitely would be daydreaming about it all day

-when someone got her attention during her daydreams her face turns red


-Like his brother he wouldn't know how to respond

-unlike his brother he would respond why

-if you give him a satisfying answer then he'll stay silent

-before he has to leave he would respond I love you too

-Like tifa, he would daydream slightly

-he's very slick about it

-If weiss asked he would make a exsques over a mission and plays it off well

-the he goes back to thinking about you 

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