Feelings about menstrual cycle(pt 2)

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-probably the most indifferent about you on your cycle

-if you need something he'll get it

-you need space he'll give you space

-mood swing isn't a problem either 


-he has no clue on what to do

-probably the most clueless

-but he's a quick learner

-100% asked Aerith for advice

-he may not know what to do but he's the ultimate comfort King

-would be confused if you had mood swings

-probably the type of person to crave what you're craving 9 times out of 10

------------------Kadaj,Yazoo,and loz------------------------

-kadaj would most likely tell you to suck it up not gonna lie

-if you cry loz would probably cry with you

-yazoo would actually do the research and probably would be your savior in this case

-kadaj would get moody when you get moody and would blame his attitude on you

-loz would do anything you ask for as for all he know, he thinks your sick

-kadaj would forever hate when you're on your cycle


-1000% has the most experience

-he's most likely been with lucrecia long enough to know how to deal with periods

-he would get whatever you need without hesitation 

-though he's not as good at comforting as zack but my bias opinion says he's up there for the most comforting characters in final fantasy 7

-just don't rely on him as a source for warmth because i guarantee you he's cold as ice

-if the cold helps you during this hard time then you're in luck


-tells you to suck it up pt 2

-probably has seen or heard of a period before from rosso or shelke but never cared for it

-if you're moody he would tell you to be moody somewhere else

- probably would have to beg for him to give you some comfort or convince him why you need comfort

-he'll probably would be less mean to you..probably

-not the best person to rely on during your time of the month

-he'll get rosso or shelke to get whatever you need

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