Dating them includes-(part 1)

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-quiet times 

Most of your time together consists of peaceful and quiet moments like just chilling on a couch and watching T.V without saying much to each other 

-Dealing with sephiroth, the revenants ,or just ptsd flashbacks 

If this isn't clear before you're sephiroth and revenant repellent, they're scared of you, and that's fantastic news to cloud. Also if he has those sephiroth visions or headaches you were the genius who got him painkillers and became his therapist.  

-Seven heaven trips 

You both find enjoyment going to seven heaven for a drink or some work just in case there's nothing else productive to do  

-Monster hunting 

Your a full time merc and cloud dose tag along with you so he wouldn't get too rusty 


-Date nights 

Reno plans simplistic date nights anytime he gets the chance to spend time with you

-A private relationship

Although it seems like it he's not really as talkative about you guys being together and the only person who knows about you two being a item is Tseng

-Semi Competitive nature 

You two would compete over little things like who get a mission done first or what is a meeting going to be about

-Going on missions together

Although Reno wouldn't just abandon Rude, he would take a few missions with just the two of you alone but it wouldn't be as often but reno makes it up with date nights 


-Advance training

Don't you think just because your sephiroth's lover doesn't mean you have a pass. It's because your his lover you have to be 10X better than everyone else and he'll make sure you do

-Rooming in with him

Although it isn't a must have but he'd love for you to room with him as a sort of comfort. It'll be like a symbol of his and your trust in each other 

-Taking his missions 

Similarly to Zack in crisis core you do take some of the missions that were assigned to him 
And both you and zack agree that he is a bit spoiled 

-Daily trips for hair products 

This man goes through shampoo and conditioner faster than he could give cloud dis-pair and makes italian BBQ out of mario. You have to atleast make two or more trips per week to get shampoo and conditioner and I hope you don't mind if sephiroth uses your shampoo if you forgot to go get some more. 


-Daily loveless quotes

What else is there to say about this. You would have memorised the whole book by the end of the week and you didn't have to read it 

-Random Romantic dinner dates 

Honestly he appreciates you a lot more than you would give him credit for. You did save him and basically gave him a new point of view of life so he occasionally treats you to fancy or home made dinner dates and always knows what makes you happy 

-He treats you like a GOD

He will make sure you are on cloud nine and sometimes it'll feel like you living royalty.even if you don't want or need to he WILL pamper you and make sure your needs are satisfied and he expects you treat him the same 


Similar to sephiroth he'll make sure you know how to defend yourself and will teach you how to effectively use magic/materia and even how to use summons. He knows he can't be there with you everywhere but he at least wants to know your safe and can take care of yourself. 



You still work for him so you are required to do the paper portion of his work 

-24/7 world round protection 

He'll protect you for life and make sure you're safe and sound. To some it's not necessary


Although it's not as required as genesis or sephiroth, he still wants to know you can defend yourself and know how to use a taser 

-Moving in with him 

He's DEFINITELY trying to get you out of the wall market especially with your crappy family there.. Other then that he just wants to get close with you as a from of symbol

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