How would they react when there S/o says "I love you"(part 4)

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-she just stops working

-her face would be red

-even if you say it alot she would act the same,maybe

-she would reply i love you too but sometimes she would,either, have a voice crack or stutter

-your words have a lingering effect on her

-100% would space out at some point


-"aww I love you too"

-definitely isn't afraid to say it even if it's her first time hearing it from someone else

-would honestly brag about it and rant on how cute you are

-showered with affection the whole time


-she turns into a tomato

-the young jessie was too stunned to speak

-you broke her.. Definitely

-i don't care if this is the 50th time you said that her face would turn beetroot red

-she was so red Tifa though she had a fever


-the most normal reaction

-he wouldn't make a big deal out of it but would have it replayed in the back of his mind

-the best you get is a hug and a kiss out of him

-low key the least reactive person


-The young Shelke was too stunted to speak

- would have no idea how to even react

-not the most wordy person so she would give you a hug to at least show some affection

-if she did reply she would say thank you before saying I love you too

-secretly has a ghostly smile 

(A/n:Shelke catch-up coming eventually) 

(A/n:Shelke catch-up coming eventually) 

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