confessions(part 4)

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Who confessed:Yuffie 
(your 15 and yuffie is 16 and you are a ex-soldier like cloud)
You were in training with Cloud at the time scene  you were a bit rusty after being rescued out of hojo’s lab(yes you were experimented but the only thing that changed is that your hair changed color, you have superhuman abilities and sharper teeth). Unknowingly to you you were being spied on by a certain ninja. Yuffie admired you from afar nervous if she would make a move or not  “what are you doing”Vincent asked yuffie which made her jump out of hiding which caused you and cloud to look her way. You ran over and held your hand out to help her up but when she saw you her face turned so red she matched vincent’s capes “I I I I I I Got my own training w w with ummmm Vincent ya vincent was gonna show me how to use a gun so well be on our way nice to see you (N/N) “ yuffie studred as she ran and dragged poor vincent away with her “That was weird” cloud said and you shrugged and got back into training. “If you have feeling for her you have to tell her before it’s too late”Vincent said to yuffie who was pacing back and forth in seven heaven “I know I know but I can’t what if she can’t feel loved or maybe doesn't have feeling for me at all” she panicked “why wouldn't she. Besides you two are mighty close I doubt (Y/N) say no” Tifa replied “Fine you’ve convinced me. I will shout it from the roof top and declare my undying love for (Y/N)”yuffie shouted in excitement only to be greeted by a kiss on the cheek and the sight of you passing by “Love you too” you replied as you head upstairs to shower. Yuffie.exe has stopped working. 


Who confessed: Aerith 
You were near Aerith’s house taking care of the flowers which mostly consist of watering and making sure they were healthy. You are in your human form but you were taller than average human though so you clothes were a bit short on you despite wearing a white t-shirt and some shorts. Then you felt someone hugging you from behind “Oh Aerith… how are you this morning”you asked with a soft voice “Good but can you do something for me”she asked and you nod “I need you to go on a date with me”she asked “ oh umm ok”you blushed which made her hug you tighter and began to hold your hand and leads you through the sector 5 slums to the church. When you guys entered the church and within the church was a bead of flowers both of you have been growing. “Want to tell you something”Aerith began as she held both of your hands “I was wondering if maybe we don’t be friends anymore” Aerith said which made your heart break “ya i don’t wanna be friends anymore. I want to be more than that. I want to be your lover,”Aerith said enthusiastically, which shocked you and mended your almost broken heart. You nodded profusely and as she was leaning in for a kiss a man with balck hair came from the ceiling and crashed onto the bed of flowers. You two saved that for another time.


Who confessed: Jessie

“No” cloud said “absolutely not” Briggs added which made jessie pound her head on the table “I don’t get it how bad can (Y/N) be heck they even help us out during the bombings and saved both of you guys multiply accastions” Jessie rebuttled “yes but we know nothing about (Y/N).” briggs said “So what (Y/N) is like talking to a brick wall but they're a real catch”Jessie said as she smiled “I don’t know Jessie (Y/N)’s nice for sure but I just get a creepy feel from them” Tifa adds “but whatever makes you happy” Tifa conclude as she continued making drinks “I proposed a idea. We should sneak into (Y/N)’s place tonight so we can finally prove if they are trusted or not” wedge said. They all eventually agree and sneak up to the plate and eventually find your place. Instead of your (hair color) It was now a white-ish silver color. Cloud stared in shock and disbelief the same with everyone else. “Is that who I think it is?”whispered Wedge, who was automatically hushed by jessie. You proceed to take off your contacts to releled your cat like eyes infused with mako “sephiroth”cloud mumbled as he witnessed you grab a book and layed on the couch. “I knew they were trouble,” cloud said but when he turned to where Jessie was gone. The doorbell rings and when you open it and you see a distressed jessie “I love you and I don’t care if you chose to hide as (Y/N) I want to be with you and that’s final”she proclaimed. You paused “I accept your feelings but (Y/N) is my real name”you replied “then why do you look like him” Cloud said from behind holding the handle to his buster sword “You mean sephiroth am i correct” you asked  and he grips on the blade tighter “cloud stop it’s too late to cause a scene”Tifa said but cloud still stood his ground “I should apologise. I was planning on speaking to you guys tomorrow morning but i guess i can explain now. Sephiroth is my twin” you said which confused the crap out of everyone “now if you guys want i have some spare room. You all looked tired” you offered and they took the offer and retired for the night.

Rude (this might be short)

Who confessed: both of you

“Wanna come over to my place” you asked as Rude was playing uno with Reno “why so you two can make love or something” Reno asked, making you roll your eyes “I had a new horror movie we could watch. You know kinda of a hangout” you replied as you type away at your computer “well count me out”reno said as he declares uno slamming a card down “she wasn't inviting you and sure. What time” rude replied as he placed a plus 4 “will 6 pm on a friday work” you asked “perfect.”he said as he final called uno “you’re definitely going down this time” rude said but i know what's about to go down  “ skip, skip ,skip skip, draw 4 change it to red ,skip you again, draw two, draw 4 uno change to green, and uno out” reno said. Rude slapped him with the deck. Because of the loss to make him feel better,sense you had nothing else after that, you changed the date to today and both are in your comfortable clothing , sitting on the couch watching  saw. During the middle of the movie you scooted closer while Rude wrapped one of his arms around your shoulder “I like you”you both said and smiled despite both of you saying the same thing. At the end both of you fell asleep on the couch 

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