Who's the best cuddler(part 3)

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-couch cuddler

-he'll make it as romantic as you want it to be

-definitely the type of person who requires cuddles after a long day

-not as beefy as most but still has slight pillow arms

-mostly prefers you to be on top when cuddling

-definitely cuddles on his own time

-overall: 5/10


-did anyone ordered a giant squashmellow

-literally is just a giant pillow

-like rufus, prefers you to be on the top when cuddling

-lucky the arm cannon is detachable

-has strong beefy arms=max security

-overall: 9/10


-tries her best to set the mood and make sures you're comfortable

-definitely cuddling after a long day at the bar

-definitely you guys are facing each other or spooning

-yall would probably watch a movie while cuddling

-probably watch a movie while cuddling

-99.9% of the time both of you would fall asleep before you guys even set up a movie

-overall: 8/10


-probably would not know what to do

- the best cuddling he can do is spooning

-although experience he is up there on the most passionate list

-not number one but he's somehow up there

-would probably talk about you to you when you're asleep

-would have the most possessive cuddles. Between him and kadaj he would win

-overall: 7/10


-definitely would question why

-most of the time would say he's busy when you want cuddles

-eventually, especially when he has a bad day or is tired, would accept or ask for cuddles

-lazy cuddler

-you're either lying on his chest or laying on his arm

-bonus points for pillow arms

-overall: 5/10

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