Halloween headcanons (part 1)

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-he probably wouldn't too much care for halloween as much as you would be but he would make a effort to dress up

-majority of the halloween decisions are mostly up to you

-he's down for trick or treating but would be very reluctant to watch horror movies

-he's not scared of slasher films but is mostly scared of paranormal films

-annabelle would give him nightmares 100% he can't stand dolls

-haunted houses are a NO for him

-the type of person who would wait for you to finish the haunted house and asked how is it

-the chances of him entering one of those are 0-none


-100% loves halloween

- he loves horror movies and actually gets scared sometimes

-not saying he's a scardy cat but he would definitely cling on to you during a scary scene

-then he would laugh it off and complement how it scared him

-haunted house are a yes for him 

-he loves the thrill of being scared so he finds haunted houses entertaining

-10000000% would try to have a matching costume with you


-he has no opinion on halloween but he would used the opportunity to scare you any chance he gets

-he would watch horror movies but would be slightly annoyed at characters when they make a stupid desition but wouldn't say a thing

-probably isn't big on dressing up though but would try it for you

-don't expect him to go trick or treating with him

-haunted houses are ok with him he thinks they're cool

-overall pretty chill on halloween


-like sephiroth he doesn't have a total opinion over the holiday but would enjoy the festivities

-he would try out some horror novels or watch horror movies

-definitely would buy matching costumes

-he can't stand haunted houses but will go in them for you and so sephiroth doesn't tease him for it

-low key would flinch in haunted houses and scream at some point

-you probably wouldn't know it was him but his sweat gave it away


-he enjoys halloween because it reminds him of his childhood

-he would actually try to make some halloween tradition for the two of you

-haunted houses does not scare him but he enjoys them

-he would tell halloween stories to his son- i mean zack

-matching halloween outfits most definitely

-would invite sephiroth and genesis so you all would have a get together 

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