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The next morning started with the loud noises of my alarm clock. I stood up and closed my window, then walked towards the kitchen to fetch up some cereals. The coffe machine was so loud that I were always sacred to wake anyone up. I hated Fridays cause I had class so early, it sucks. But it was labratory so it's okay. I studied chem at the university of California, which I really liked. I remembered that I'm going to that party concert or what ever this evening and were a little excited. I got ready to leave and went to class.

When I finally got home after that hard day I fell on to Joel's couch. He walked in, a cigarette in the corner of his mouth and sat down next to me.
„How was your day?"
„Really exhausting but all in all good. How bout you?"
„I were at the groceries store for my momma and I met that slut from the last party I've been to. She was good at sucking my dick but every toddler has more in its brain then her. She act like I was her everything and impose in such a disgusting way. Ugh I hate her."
I rolled my eyes. Joel and his side chicks were a long story. Since he had his first time he got to be such a fuckboy. It almost disguted me, but I can't change him and in front of me he is completely different. I loved him for that.
„Awww pour thing" I said ironic.
„Yea these are searious problems?"
„Of course they are. How about you don't fuck around that much and just chill at the next party. Then you wouldn't get in that circumstance."
„Ok mum"
„Your a dick"
He threw a pillow on my head
„That's for calling me a dick"
„Well you are."
Another pillow hit my head. I decided to keep quiet. After a while I said: „You know what? I'm gonna crash now in bed so I'm fresh for the concert later."
„Ok sleephead"
I suppressed calling him dickhead.

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