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Rose POV
I had to think about this girl again. I couldn't silent the inner voice of me that shouted he'd do it again. But I know he wouldn't. I know he loves me.

„So what color did you think about?"
We stood in front of the shelf with hair dye in the store.
„Well I don't know, too much to choose"
He grabbed a pink and a black one for him, then pointed at a pastel pink.
„You know im obsessed with pink"
His smile was so freaking adorable. You just had to forgive him, no matter what happened, when he smiled like this.

„Well ehm... I don't know"
„But I know it would look way to cute on you"
He grabbed the box and I shaked it.

I have never colored my hair in a diffrent color. Maybe some highlights in my blonde hair, but never something else.

„It's just semi permanent, so if it looks shitty it will be gone in a few weeks" I said with a forced smile.
„You'll love it, like me"
I beat him playfully and he overreacted completely to get the attention from other customers.
„If I'd overreact like that every time you beat me in bed..."
His hand landed on my ass and he pushed me towards the till.

The cashier looked at him a little too long.
„Wait you're lil peep, right?"
She said as Gus payed our stuff
„Absolutely right"
„And you gotta be this mysterious girl from the news. Is it right that she's your girlfriend?"
He rolled his eyes, but then smiled.
„I'm very happy to say that she is my girlfriend. It's such a pleasure"
To woman scanned me and looked a little derogatory.
„Well you could have gotten something much better then her, I mean-
„Stop, if you say just another word about her or us, you'll have a problem.
His eyes were on fire and I saw how he tried to keep calm.
„I think he wouldn't have taken me if he'd find someone better that fast" I tied to stay calm too, but on the inside I was so furious.
„Well I think-
„Just don't dare to say something else, come let's go my dear"
He took the stuff we bought and we left the store.

„Do they really think I'm a doll they can play with? Do they think they can judge about the things I do and the people I love? I fucking hate beeing famous, I'm always under pressure, I can't go anywhere without getting a comment about anything. I hate that fucking bullshit, I mean yes I'm grateful for my loyal fans, that accept me and appreciate the things I do, but the others are just annoying motherfuckers"

He had an complete mental breakdown as we got in the car again. He seemed so unstable, so fragile.

„Gusy, calm down, everything is alright. Nobody can tell you what you have to do or anything. I'll always be there for you, stupid, no matter what some asshole says about me."
He tried to not look at me so I couldn't see the tears that run out of his eyes.
„I'm a fucking crybaby"
„I love you"

He looked at me and smiled. I could see that these three word out of my mouth mean the whole world to him.
„It's just, I... well I can't deal with bad comments. I'm always trying to be good and not an asshole, I know it doesn't work all the time, but some words are just much much more worse then a punch in your face. And who the fuck this woman thought she is to tell me something like this. The jealousy is pitiful"

I laughed and started the engine.
„So where are we driving?"
He whipped the last few tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie.
„Well I don't have anything anymore so I gotta meet up my dealer, I already texted her."
„Her? What's her name?" I asked a little shocked.
„I don't know, she keeps it a secret so that no one knows who she really is" he shrugged his shoulders.
„Oh okay, then where do you meet her?"
„We always meet in the park, so there"

It kinda pissed me off that he met a girl.
„But I can come with you, right?"
He looked a little tensed.
„Well she doesn't like new people, but I'll be back soon"
He notices that I was pissed as I parked the car.
„I'm sorry my dear"
He got out of the car and I stayed.

I noticed she was quite pissed she had to stay in the car, but it just wouldn't work. For my dealer it's quite important to stay anonym, so if anything would go wrong, nobody could tell anyone her name or other details.
I walked in the park to our meeting spot.

There she stood, shoulder longe, blonde hair, quite tall and the exact same eyes as Rose, but she was much older.
„Hey, you got my stuff?"
„Of course"

She held a little bag with some colorful pills and another bag with weed t in her hand.
„But first the money"

I checked the environment and saw a blonde head of hair behind a bush. Of course it was Rose. She looked at the me, then the woman next to me and ran away. What the fuck?
„Wait, but she wasn't a cop or anything like that, right?"
„Oh god no, she's my girlfriend. But just give me the stuff, I gotta see what's wrong"
„I said no one else but you"
She looked at me and suddenly I was scared.
„I thought she would wait in the car. Let's finish this here"
I gave her the money and she gave me the bag in change.
„Bye, see you the next time"
I heard her as I ran in the direction Rose had run, because it was the opposite direction of the car. I couldn't see her anymore, so I called her, but she didn't answer. She wasn't in the car and I started searching.

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