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I convinced her to watch bleach with me till she just fell asleep on my chest.
I decided it was time for me to go cause I had an idea for a song.
I carefully got of the bed, trying to not wake her up.
„Come back"
Still dozeing she grabbed my leg. I almost fell but than walked to the door.
„Gotta go my dear"

„Fuck you are acting different the last couple days"
Chris aka horsehead looked at me a little upset.
„Is it that girl?"
„Yea kinda but I'm not acting diffrent am I?"
„You are, you didn't take any pills or stuff and you weren't at the studio. You always were there"
Kind of true but I like her a lot. She made me feel alive without being completely high. And damn fucking her just hits different.
„It's been three days or something chill and I was on the way to the studio, cause I have an idea"
„Let me guess. It's about her?"
„Kinda she makes me feel so freakin normal"
I walked in the studio while I took out a joint and began smoking it. Somehow I wanted to share it with her" Fuck, she's in my head and I won't get her out again. This isn't good

Rose POV
He just went home while I was sleeping. Dickhead. He just did something wrong and then he did something again? Well it wasn't that bad but he could have slept here too though. I let my phone display the time. 1:26 am. Fuck I had to get up at 6 am because I had class again. Fuck that shit. I wondered why he just went home. What's that between us? Just sex? I had to sleep again but my thoughts were going crazy. I rolled over and over in my bed not getting any sleep till I had to get up. My whole bed smelled like him. This whole shit made made me nuts. I got up and did my makeup, then went downstairs to the kitchen.

„I'm so sorry for disturbing you both yesterday this was so awkward" Joel sat at the kitchen counter.
„No worries everything's alright"
„You were so loud I thought I had to beat him or something" this made me laugh
„No no, oh god. He's a little stupid sometimes but you really don't have to knock him down. But he just were gone in the middle of night I don't know where he went or why"
„Yes oh"
Pissed off from that shit I sturmed through the door and left the house.

I decided to not write him that I wondered where he went and just let him mind his own business, if this was so important. I didn't got a massage from him the whole day.

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