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This was the first time she drove and not me. Her car was a bit newer and so clean, such a difference to my wracked old car, I could effort something much better, but I just didn't want to.

I watched her fixed gaze on the street. She glanced over to me, and smiled a little. I turned up the volume of the radio. I hate the charts and the whole mainstream music, so I put out my phone and played my music. Rose vibed to my music and even recognized the lyrics. She was so hella adorable, how could I be so stupid and let this stupid girl kiss me? I still feel so bad for this shit.

Rose POV
I didn't even noticed that I sang.
„Rip my shirt, kiss my neck
Throw me on the floor girl, make me sweat"
He looked straight in my eyes.
„I'd love to do that babe"
I laughed but still kept fixed on the traffic.

As we got out of the car, he gave me a kiss, which seemed to be filled with so much sorrow. We finally arrived and Gus went in his room to pack some things to leave them at my home. I went in the kitchen to get some water. Suddenly something touched me from behind.
„Gus stop-
Someone pressed his hand on my mouth.
„Shut up"
I tried to detect who this was. He touched me and I tried to scream, but still he had his hand on my mouth. I whimpered loud and began to move my arms weirdly, hoping to beat him. I scratched him with my nails, then he pressed me on the kitchen counter. I finally got to turn aground. What the fuck. It was this creepy John guy. I made noises, but Gus door was closed and he didn't hear anything. John began sliding under my shirt, grabbing my bra. His other hand started to slid in my pants. I finally got to scream for help.
„What's wrong my dear"
I heared the door open and then Gus stood there.
He stormed to John, pulled him down from me and beat him hardly in his face.

„What the fuck are you doing here? Didn't I made clear that you will end much worse if you touch her ever again?"
John tried to beat Gus, but he dodged and kicked in his balls. He layed on the floor and Gus began hitting him over and over. Blood flowed out of Johns nose.
„I've told you that this won't end good for you, whanker. Don't ever touch her again"

I still leaned there on the kitchen counter, gasping for air. Holy shit.
„Get the fuck outta here or I'll call the cops"
„You'd get problems too if the cops would see your stock" John laughed.
„Why are you still so sassy?"
Gus kicked his ass again.
„Now just go and if I ever see you again here, I'll kill your pathetic beeing, I wanted to do when you do it again, but I don't want her to see how I do it. Just kidding, or not?"
He laughed spiteful, then through John out of his house.

I still stood there, beeing completely pale, not knowing what to do.
„My dear are you alright? This asshole. Did he harm you?"
I took a step towards him and fell in his arms. He held me tight and my knees gave in. Tears left my eyes and he just pressed me tighter.
„Everything is gonna be alright"
„What's wrong with this dude? He,.. well I don't know but he just ehm sucks"
„Yes he does, see he has already gotten a part of his punishment, I think we will find a good revenge"
I still leaned on him.
„I love you my dear, I'll protect you from everyone, everywhere, all the time. He's just some motherfucker we have to get rid of"
I couldn't say anything, I was to upset.
„Thank you"

When I entered the kitchen, I was completely shocked. I remembered Johns hand under her shirt, pressing the other one on her mouth. The fear in her eyes made me sick. I imagined what could have happened if I hadn't heared her or couldn't have been there that fast. Would he have raped her? I had the urge to kill him. He is such a psycho. I will keep an eye on her, not leave her alone anywhere.
Without me she wouldn't have been in this circumstance, wouldn't even know that psycho.

I loved the way she said my name with her lovely voice.
Her already pale skin was even whiter.
„What would have happened if you wouldn't have been there to save my pathetic ass again?"
„Firstly, as I already told you, your ass isn't pathetic but sexy as hell, this John guy is pathetic. And don't think about those if szenarios, I was there and everything is okay"

I pushed her a little bit away so I could look in her beautiful eyes. I grabbed her slender shoulders.
„I won't leave you alone anymore okay?"
She nodded and I kissed her forehead.
„I feel so weird, even though nothing really bad happened"

Well but it could have happened a lot more, and he touched her, my girl, I want to beat his ass up again badly while thinking about this. Why is he so obsessed with her? Now I get a hint of what it felt like seeing me with that girl.

„Everything is gonna be alright"
I felt so stupid for saying that, but I didn't knew what to say. I pressed her closer to me again and felt her heart beating fastly.
I stroke over her back, trying to comfort her.

„Let's go and pack my things so I can meet your almost mom"
I grabbed her hand and we entered my room. She layed on my bed and I began packing some things to leave them at her house, so I have there some stuff too. I took a shower and let the door open so I could definitely hear her, if anything was wrong. When I was done, I entered my bedroom again, just wearing a towel wrapped around my wais. She glanced over to me, especially when I let down my towel.
„Are you enjoying the view, my dear. A picture would last"
She fastly moved her eyes away from me.
„I'm just looking at.. ehm your beautiful wall"
„I see you are"
I laughed a bit and she smirked.
„Let's go, I'm done"

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