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She was gone in the morning. I had heared her puke a little more early.

I ran to the bathroom, empty. I felt relieved. What's wrong with her? Out of the living room, I heard her laughing.

She sat there with my mom, drinking coffee and eating a croissant. They hadn't notice me yet, so I watched them a few more moments having fun from the doorframe.

I noticed they watched twilight while eating and gossiped over some weird stuff like actors. Rose glanced over to me.
„How long have you been standing there, stalker?"
My mom giggled and I shrugged with a goofy simple on my face.
Rose petted the place next to her on the couch, so I sat down right there.
„Did you sleep well my dear?" I whispered in her ear.
„Quite good. How bout you?"
„Well there haven't been any morning sex sadly"

My moms eyes twitched over to me and made puke noises.

„This was too loud" Rose laughed as I grabbed her hand.
„Peep I'm your mother, I don't want to hear stuff like this"
I laughed and saw how awkward Rose found this situation.
„Shower?" I whispered in her hair so that only she could hear it.
„Shower!" she whispered in my ear too.
I lifted her up and could only see my mom shake her head.

Rose POV

This wasn't as awkward as I thought. With my parents, this wouldn't have been able to do. They had thrown him out of their house if they knew we already sleep with each other.

„The next time you don't say something like that in front of your mom okay?"
„I can't guarantee anything"

His hands teared off my hoodie and sweatpants, then pushed me under the shower. He stripped of his shirt and boxers and jumped under the water steam too. With a fast move he had pinned me against the wall.
„Don't be too loud, my mom would be scared of me"
„I won't"

he bite my neck and sucked the skin, leaving hickeys.
„Your mom will see them"
„Just wear something with a collar, I can't leave your skin in this boring state. I gotta mark you're mine."

I let him bite me, lick every inch of me.
I got on my knees and took his dick in my mouth, till I gagged.
„shhhhttt be quiet"
He lifted me up and pressed me against the wall, pushing himself inside of me. A moan escaped my mouth and he choked me hard.
„Quiet, I normally love your screams"

Across from the shower was a mirror where in I could see bruises covering the pale skin of my throat.
His dick hit in me over and over and my knees gave in. He stopped me from falling on the floor , but smashed me against the wall again so he could keep my actions under control. My back ached and he pinned my hands above my head. The only heareable sounds were skin hitting on each other and the water of the steam. I would have to moan loudly if I'd come, I knew that. He had to make the whole work, I couldn't move.

„Make it harder"
He hit me on the wall again like I'd be his doll. His one arm held me pressed on the wall, the other grabbed my neck again and pressed till there wasn't any air left. I snapped for air, but he chocked me again one second later.
„Is this hard enough."
My head hit the wall as he started to penetrate in me like he was insane. Our skin smashed together, louder then every moan could ever get. He filled me in with his liquids and let me slid down to the ground, satisfied.
„Was this enough babygirl?"
„Could have been more..."
„Girl, look at your throat, my mom would think I'm a psychopath that has weird kinks."
„But I liked it, a lot"
„I know babygirl, just don't show anyone your weird fetish's"
„You like it too though"
„I know"

He turned around and I noticed the scratches on his back.
„I'm sorry for this" I said and stroke over his back.
„Oh then what should I be for this?" One last time he touched my throat.
He kissed me, then hopped out of the shower and left the bathroom.

I finished the shower and stood in front of the mirror. I took a pic of myself naked, which I planned sending him in the next unfitting moment.
I ran over to Gus room and searched for my collar pullover.
„You look so damn sexy"
„Holy shit, don't scare the shit outta me, stupid."
He stood behind me and looked over my shoulder, pressing himself against me.
„There it is!" I said while pulling out my pullover. I know there are gonna be questions, it's quite warm outside and I don't wear a t Shirt. I just don't want his mom to know that her son and I like it rough or that I cut myself sometimes.

„You look better without that" he let his gaze wander up and down on me.
„You are one horny boy, stupid"
„I know"

He smacked my ass, then walked out of the room to the living room to his mom.
I finished changeing, then made me on the way to them too.

„So what are we gonna do today?" I asked kind of motivated.
„I don't know, we could eat at a nice restaurant and celebrate you two beeing here" his mom suggested.
„Sounds good" I agreed.
Gus nodded too.

„But in the evening. What about now?"
„Maybe we could go to the beach" his mom smiled.
I looked at Gus and raised my eyebrow, then pointed at my neck inconspicuous.
„Rose and I wanted to go shopping, and look around. She hadn't been here in ages."
„Well then maybe tomorrow. We'll see" his mom looked sad, but Gus ignored it and grabbed my hand.
„My dear, may you come?"
He played the complete gentleman as if he hadn't railed me harsh like 15 minutes ago.
His mom applauded. If she'd only know...

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