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When I woke up it was 6:15 pm and I still felt exhausted. Well but if I continued sleeping, Joel would get angry, so I got up and got dressed. I putted on net tights and a checked skirt. I couldn't decide which t-Shirt I should go for, so I went in the living room were I met Joel's mom. She was like a mom for me too though. I'm not in touch with my mom lately, the last time I met her was maybe 1 year ago, where she told me she had her own problems. She never wanted kids, she just wanted to be young forever. I grew up at Joel's and his family is mine too.

„What T-Shirt should I go for?" I asked Olivia, Joel's mom, and interrupted my thoughts.
„Where are you both going?" she asked curious.
„We are going at some kind of underground concert from an ex co student from Highschool."
„Well then I'd put on something edgy."
„Yea I thought so too. How about this shirt?"
I showed her a black lace top.
„I dont thing this matches witch the skirt."
„Then how about a black skirt?
„Yeah this could work."
So I went changing and did my makeup, when Joel suddenly stand in the door frame with his leather jacket alteady on.
„Gotta go" he commanded.
„Chill we have time I'm almost done."
„hurry up"
Joel was so strubbelig sometimes, it's annoying.
He kept there watching me getting my eyeliner done.
„You are stressing me!"
„I'm just standing here."
„That's the point."
Joel pushed himself away from the frame and went to the kitchen. 5 minutes later I was done and went to the kitchen too.
„I thought we had to go."
„Yea we have to, so go on."

Joel hoped of the chair and his mom said „have fun!"
We got to Joel's Oldtimer and I hopped in. His car was his everything and he treated it like a baby. We went on and drove 15 minutes trough the streets. Then we got to a club like house and I could see the red lights from the outside too. Joel parked his car offside and we went to the house.

When we entered , the whole room was flooded in red lights and there were more people then I thought, but it seemed more like a private party then a concert. It played music loudly and it smelled like alcohol, cigarettes and sweat. In the back was a little improvised stage with some brighter lights. Joel straight went to the bar and ordered drinks for us. Some dude asked me wether I want some pills but even though I looked confident and like a baddie, I were much to scared to try it, so I rejected it.

Joel came back with a vodka o for him and whiskey cola for me. I tried it and you could taste the cheap whiskey they used easily. Joel took a cigarette and putted it in his mouth and gave me one too. I didn't really smoke, just at parties or stuff. The atmosphere was so weird but good.

A rapper called lil peep entered the stage.
„This is Gus." Joel said. I was a little confused because he looked so diffrent. His hair fell on his forehead and was obviously damaged from dyeing it to many times. His neck, arm and upper body were covered with colerful tattoos. Even in his face he had some. He was so tall that he almost hit his head against the lamps on stage. He didn't wore a shirt so you could see all his tatts. He was so lanky, so thin. His trousers were black and baggy. He had tattoos back in high school though, but not that much.

He began performing „praying to the sky". The crowd were quiet suddenly. They followed his hypnotic movements. Some sang with him
„They gon' miss me when I'm dead, I lay my head and rest in peace
I'm prayin' to the sky, I don't even know why"
It actually was good, I couldn't believe it. After the song he thanked everybody for coming to his little concert. He sounded a little high but maybe this was just a imagination.

Then he started singing teen romance, a slow song. The crowd moved slow in the rhythm of the song.
„Gimme this dance
Yeah, I took a Xan
I hope you understand, She don't"
I was a little confused that I liked the music. Three songs later Gus hopped in the crowed and started talking with a few guests. Then he walked towards us.
„Eyyy Joel long time no see, who's that chick?"
„Hey! You should remember her from school, it's Rose."
„Yea I do your right, she should be glad, I don't remember much of that crap"
I hated people talking in third person about me when I'm present.
„Yes I'm Rose. I really liked the songs you performed but I've never heard of lil peep."
„well your bad" peep said.
„Rose, I think I already showed you some." Joel complained.
„And I don't think so."
„Ey calm down it doesn't matter if she had or not at least I know she loves me now."
„I've never said that."
„But I've heard it"
Peep wanted to ball me but I don't let him play with me I mean I haven't seen that weirdo in ages.
„Then you need hearing aids I think because I wouldn't say that."
„Chill bitch I was just joking. But u liked it didn't you?" He said now looking a little hurt.
„I really liked it, but-
Gus cuttend my words: „See there it was again, bye my dear see you after the second half of the show." He said and walked backwards.

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