591 19 4

Rose POV
I woke up, Gus wrapped around me.
„Can you walk or did I fucked you to hard?"
I giggeled a little.
Well it did hurt cause his dick was big, but I'm not gonna tell him that. But it was a good way of pain though.
„No I'm fine" I said even though I wasn't sure wether this was correct.

I looked at my phone
15 missed calls from Joel?!

Where are you?
Are you still alive?
So you are at Gus?
Don't tell me you hooked up or something

Yes we did
Gonna tell u the details later bitch

Why did he care? He never did. Nevermind.

Gus looked at me
„What's wrong?"
„Nothing just Joel"
He looked at me, either at my boobs. I left the bed but couldn't walk that stable. It just hurt. I searched my cloth on the floor. Gus looked amused then he stood of his bed, slapping my ass while he walked past me.
He walked to the wardrobe, fetched some cloth and then left the room without speaking only one word. I could hear Tracy.
„Damn you fucked her hard last night"
„Yea kinda destroyed that whore" he said and laughed. „She bagged me to fuck her, that slut"
„congrats, bro"
This hurt a little because I felt dirty the way he said that. I mean he almost begged me to let him fuck me.
Gus sounded diffrent then he did yesterday. I couldn't see Gus when I decided it was better to go home, cause I was a little upset about this, so I only said goodbye to Tracy.

I had to walk home and the 20 minute walk was perfekt to structure my thoughts.

At home I hoped under the shower. Afterwards I felt much better. I got dressed and went to Joel's room.

I fell on Joel's couch where he sat too.
„So you fucked?"
„Yes kinda"
„The hell what's that on your neck?"
Shit. I completely forgot about that.
„Nothing, everything is alright"
„Did he treated you gentle? Or do I have to beat him"
I laughed.
„No no it's alright. It's been the best sex I had in ages"
„So you like it rough don't you"
He looked at me like a perv. I beat him playfully.
„It's non of your business"
He laughed.
Suddenly my phone began to ring. It's been Gus.
I looked at it till it stopped. He had been such a prick this morning. It rang again, but I still didn't want to answers.
„Who is it?"
„Why don't you answers"
If I told him how disrespectful Gus was this morning, he'd knock him out.
„I wanna fidget him"
„He's gonna lose interests in you"
„He won't"

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