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Rose POV

I woke up as a hand layed on my back, slowly caressing it. He noticed I was awake and I rolled on my back to look in his eyes.
„What the fuck, how did you get here?" I mumbled still half asleep.
„Olivia let me in"
„Oh okay, how long are you here? What's the time?"
„It's almost 7 pm, I've been here since 6"
„And you just let me sleep?"
„Yes you've been so sweet, I just watched you sleep and covered you with the blanket"
„Lil creep"
He laughed and I rolled even closer to him.

„I've heared you already told Olivia about our plans, she said I should keep you safe"
„Yes she had been quite relaxed about me leaving. Did you already tell your mom?"
„Of course I did and she can't wait to see you, cause I rave for you all the time"
I smiled and grabbed his hand to lead it to my waist.
„What do you wanna do?"
„Olivia said we could come down and eat with them, if I wanted to, at around 7, that's why I woke you up."
„Food? I'm in!"
I jumped of the bed and grabbed his hand.
„If you want to?" I said, knowing the last time had been quite awkward.
„Yes of course, but just please don't let Phill kill me"

The evening was much better then the first, we talked more and it didn't seem like an interview today. Phill still didn't like him, he didn't like his latitude. Olivia was quite impressed that he actually earned money from his hobby which he made to his job, and that so many people liked his music. Phill didn't really like that he hadn't a conventional job, but he kept quite, he just looked grumpy.
We talked about his parents and childhood in Long Beach, I had lived there too till Joel's father had to move here because of work. I had some great memories from this city. The evening was actually pretty funny, sadly Joel wasn't there, he was at one of his hoes.

The time went by and suddenly it was the day our journey started. I had packed all my stuff and he was so excited, even more then me.
He jumped around like a flummy, as I said goodbye to the rest of the family.

„Can we go?"
„Calm down, stupid, there is so much time left"
„I know but I'm so just so happy"
He carried my bag in his car and jumped on the passenger seats.
I hugged Olivia again.
„Watch out and keep save"
„I will, stay safe too"
I walked to the car too and got in.
„Are you ready for take off?"
„No I really hate flying. I always get sick on planes"
„Oh I'm sorry my dear"
„It's not your fault?"
„I know but I pleased you to fly to my momma with me"
„I'm quite excited. And also I'm a little scared of planes and I haven't been on one in ages. This drives me crazy"
„Like you drive me crazy in bed?"
„I could drive you crazy right here"
He smirked at me like he'd like to rail me right now while he was driving.

„Peep I'm shortly before peeing myself cause I'm so nervous. I hope your mom likes me"
„She will, trust me. You make me a happier version of myself, so she will love you. You've changed me"
„I didn't want to change you? What do you mean?"
„You changed me in a good way. Didn't you see that I almost never did drugs? You're the reason I'm happier again"
„Haven't you been happy before meeting me?"
He didn't answer and just kept his eyes fixed on the streets. I think this was a no.

We arrived at the airport and he jumped out and got my suitcase, we had only one cause he had much stuff at his moms.
„Are you ready?"
„Ready if you are"
His smile got a little goofy and he grabbed my hand.

Everything went fast and suddenly we sat in the plane. I got the seat next to the window and was hella scared. I hate flying, I felt nauseous climbing up my body as the seatbelt lights went on.
My breath started to go faster and heavy, I felt the blood rush through my veins and feeling got even worse.
„Everything alright? You are way to pale"

He gripped my hand and I was way to much focused on not puke on the seat in front of me. His gripe got tighter as the plane started to roll and got faster.
„Everything is alright my dear"
His voice was so calm, but still I just couldn't solve the ache going trough my belly.

„Rose, you scare me"
I heared him cry for a bag and the second I got one I puked in it, felt kinda relieving.
He stroke over my back, trying to comfort me.
I leaned back in my seat. The feeling still wasn't gone, so I got another back and leaned on his shoulder.
„You're still so pale. What's wrong?"
„I just don't feel well"
„Is it the excitement?"

I fell asleep on his shoulder and woke up to his words.
„Welcome to Long Beach!"

I enjoyed the view over the city as the plane slowly lost its hight.

„How do you feel?"
„Better but not good at all"
„I hope it's gone when we arrive"
He stroke over my hair, and stared outside the little window too. His smile was bigger then I ever thought it could get.

The plane landed and I got another little panic attack. He calmed me down with his deep voice, telling me distracting things.

We got out of the plane and searched for our suitcase.
„Rose, im so excited!"
„I'm either nervous"
Trying not to puke again, cause the dizzy feeling just didn't want to leave , we hopped into an Uber and drove to his mums house.

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