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What the fuck was that? She just dropped on the floor, I catched her the last second before she hit the ground. Suddenly everything was quiet. I didn't know what I should do. I lifted her up and carried her in another room, where I layed her on the bed. What just happened?
The others watched me hurry in the other room, but didn't appear to be helping.
This couldn't just happen from that little sip she drunk from her drink. She began to breath in a weird rhythm. Sounded like my friends breath when they overdosed. I lifted her up again and run out of the house with her in my arms. I hopped in my car and drove like I was insane to the hospital. This was an overdose, but she hadn't taken any pills. Her breath got more irregular every second. Fuck.

„I need help right now, I think somebody mixed her something in her drink! She needs Naloxon right now!" I screamed through the entree of the hospital.

„Lay her on here" a doctors told me in a calm voice.
I tried to calm down but the doctor didn't made it easy for me. He listened to the heartbeat, but for me it was clear that she needed Naloxon in the next five minutes. I know this feeling, I overdosed a few times.
„She needs Naloxon within the next five minutes"
I sounded so scared.
„I think this man is right, 10 mg Naloxon intravenous now"
Some other doctors run to her and administered the medication.
Within seconds her breath started to normalize. It was the best feeling ever.
„She should stay here till she wakes up"
„Of course. Can I stay with her?"

Rose POV

I opened my eyes. I didn't knew where I was, everything was white. Gus had layed his head on my breast but he sat next to the bed. I think he is asleep. How did I get here? I noticed that my chest was wet and I felt nauseous. Did he cry? I lifted my hand to grab his head and fondled it.
„Oh you woke up"
„I think" I sounded weak and weird. It was pretty exhausting to speak.
„You gotta have some questions"
„Yes but I'm so tired. What happened?"
„Did you take any pills or anything like that?"
How did he come to this though? He knows I don't do drugs.
„No I have never. Why do you ask?"
I was so confused. I tried to remember what happened, but there wasn't anything. Gus lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. His face was covered in tears.
„I think somebody mixed you something in your drink, then you passed out and started breathing irregular. I knew this was an overdose. I've had experienced this too and some friends either. I drove you to the hospital and I was so shocked. The police didn't like how I drove here I think. Here I screamed a little till they finally gave you Naloxon. Then you started breathing normally again and we got this room. Don't do that ever again, understood my dear? I almost died from upsetness."

Holy shit, I had a few flashbacks.
„It wasn't my fault. I think I know who mixed me the pills in the drink. John, he was the guy that harassed me"
Gus looked even more shocked. He kissed me on the forehead.
„I think I gotta beat someone's ass. But firstly we should go home. Can you stand up or do you feel to bad?"
The nauseous feeling had left my body and I felt almost like there never had been anything. I was just tired.
„Thank you so much for saveing my live"
„No problem, it was a favour to save your ass"
I laughed and got up. In this moment a doctor entered.
„I'm so much better, thank you so much"
„That's great. You'll  need some rest now"
„Yes I'm still tired"

We left the hospital and got in his car again.
„We should go home, you need sleep. Tomorrow I'm gonna punch John till he can't breath anymore"
He didn't need to do this, but it was so sweet that he said that. I felt so save with him.
„You don't need to do this. How long have I been unconscious?"
„An hour or something, I've lost the feeling of time and hadn't looked at a clock when you blacked out. And I have to do it, otherwise I feel bad, I took you to that asshole"
„I'm so glad you were there"
„I'm too"

We didn't talk till we arrived at his house. Eventually  I fell asleep.

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