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Rose POV
As I walked through the door, I saw a mess. The floor covered in shards and throwen over furniture.
„Seriously, are you alright?" I asked looking around.
„Yes I'm completely fine"
„We should tidy this up"
I began collecting all shards, while he put up the shelves and pillows that layed everywhere.

„Have you been doing this?"
He looked at me and nodded. We finished cleaning the living room, then went on with his bedroom.
„I was kinda upset yesterday, I'm sorry"
He said as he fell on his bed. I layed down next to him.
We just layed there in an awkward silence. I rolled towards him, but I didn't dare laying my head on his chest, there was this distance between us.

I landed on something hard, a pill box, which was empty. I looked at it and he teared it out of my hand.
„I'm sorry, did you take many yesterday?"
He just looked at me, either my arms.
„Well some but it was okay but holy shit what did you do with your poor arms?"
He pulled me to him and pushed up my sleeves. Inspecting my arms he pulled me closer and closer to him.
„Don't do that, fuck. This really isn't funny. I used to do it too before I got my tats, but this either looks like a warzone then some little cuts. You-„
I interrupted him, I hated hearing the you gotta stop gibberish.
„I know it's bad but I only do it when I don't see a way out of the situation to reset my mind. You popp pills and I cut myself. These are bad habits but everybody has some problems"
He kept fixed on my arms, but I slid down my sleeves again.
„Sorry, you don't want to talk about pills and I don't wanna talk about self harm"
„I don't have problems talking about drugs. I took 5 Xanax and drunk a bottle of Dutch, that's it"
5 at once? That's to much I think. And also Mixing them with alcohol could have end badly.
„Well I cut myself and did nothing else"
Then we layed there again, in silence. After a few minutes he rolled even nearer and enclosed  me with his arms. This was his sign that everything was okay. I layed my head on his sholder and he bend down to kiss me. We moved our lips on each others. This kiss was filled with longing, even though it wasn't that intense, cause there still was that distance. Suddenly I sat on him and the kiss got more into something passionate. Now I bend down to kiss him. He held me on the waist, started to drive up and down. I started to play with his shirt.
„I have to go to the toilet" he said out of breath.
Well he destroyed the ambience, I rolled down from him so he could stand up. He tumbled a little when he walked to the door.


Fuck, she turned me on, again. I don't want to just have sex with her, I want something more with her. My body desires hers, but I tried to calm down, my heart beat so fast in I was so turned on that I couldn't even think clear. In the bathroom, I splashed a bit cold water in my face. I sat down and began thinking about her. She was everywhere in my head. As I calmed down a little, I walked back. She slept there and I layed gently next to her in the big spoon position. I layed my hand on her waist and slid under her shirt a bit, just that I can feel her soft skin. I tucked her up and closed my eyes. I fell asleep easily with her by my side.

I woke up in the empty bed the next morning. Was this just a trip? I smelled the scent of breakfast and ran to the kitchen. There she stood with messy hair and still very sleepy.
„I decided to make breakfast without you, I was scared you'd mix thing up again."
I laughed and hugged her from behind.
„Good Morning, my dear that wouldn't have been necessary"
I began kissing her ear and pressed myself closer to her while she stired some scrambled eggs. She turned around and I kissed her passionatefully. I lifted her up and sat her on the kitchen counter.

Rose POV
He dropped me on the kitchen counter , began kissing me and playing with his tongue in my mouth. I pushed myself even tighter to him and my hands landed on his back and moved down to his but. I pulled him closer while I enclosed his waist with my legs. My hand slid under his shirt.
He pushed away from me and gasped for air.
„I think the eggs are gonna burn"
Still completely out of breath, he stired the eggs even though there weren't even about to burn. Didn't he want to go further? Why? I mean he obviously liked it, but he stopped. Why?

„What's wrong?" I asked worried.
„I just didn't want to screw the food again" he laughed but was a little nervous.
„Well I'm gonna set the table" I said and buzzed off.

I saw the flowers on the table again and got a bit more happy. We ate breakfast and talked about how he beat John's ass, his career, university and some random stuff.

„So what do you wanna do today"
He said as he finished eating.
„Well I don't know. I think I need to learn a bit for the next test or we could do something together. How about you"
He looked weird then smiled.
„I thought about getting tattooed today, I feel like getting a new one. You said you'd like to get one too"

This was a bit spontaneous.
„Well I don't know... I don't even know where and what I should get."
„We'll find something. Otherwise you just watch me having pain"
He laughed and got up.

„This is gonna be balls, you'll see" he said grabbing his keys.
„I need to go home first, I don't have any cloth or stuff here"
„Then well drive to you, you fetch up some things and then we'll go get tatted?"
„Well I think I can't say no"
„Absolutely right... well or do I force you?"
He looked sad all of a sudden
„No no it's just quite spontaneous, but everything is when I'm with you, so it's alright. Let's go babe."
Did I really say babe? It just came over me. He smiled his biggest smile and I looked at me like he was crazy.

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