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She had scared me to death as she sat there, completely pale, blood everywhere around her.
The sight was the scariest and saddest I've ever seen. Why would she do that just after getting the news she was pregnant with me? Because she was scared? I mean I'm too, we are young and it will be a big change but we will do it.

The most beautiful girl in the whole world sank on my lap back in bed again. She was weak and still completely under shook.

„Ask me whatever you want to know" she said quietly.

„Why do you cut?"
She looked at me with widned eyes.
„It's a long story about my mother and everything that happened. I think I did it the first time after she told me it would be better if I kill myself cause if she did, she'd be a criminal"
„What? What did she say?"
„I should kill myself, and I tried, but Joel found and saved me. His family got mine and we moved, this is the story in extra short"
She tried to kill herself? Shit.
„When was that?"
„It was back in Highschool days, so I'm over it now."
„What did your mother also told you, I'm just interested which lies she told you"
„Not all of them where lies. I was the reason the love of her life left, which made her depressed. Anyways this gives her no rights to beat me and lead me to some other stuff."
„How about your father? Did he know about it?"
„To be honest, I don't even know his name. I don't know wether they are in touch or strangers. I have never seen his pathetic ass and my mother always made clear that I was the reason for his disappearance"

I laid my head on her chest and my hand on her tummy. I can't believe this is for real.
„I'm sure he wouldn't be happy if he heard how your mother treated you"
„Well as I said, I don't know him and I can't rate it"
We rested in silence and she started to play with my hair.

„You're my princess, I'll never treat you bad, you are the best thing that happened to me, I don't know how long it would have worked out with my excessive drug addiction"
The look in her eyes changed.

„Speaking of the devil, you won't take any drugs ever again. Maybe smoke some weed, but nothing more. And you won't do it a lot. I'm scared of ending alone"
I kissed her and stroke over her belly.

„I don't need them to be happy anymore, my dear, you are all I need. You and our little peep"
„Stop crawling, stupid"

„We need to tell- I started, but she interrupted me.
„No we don't, at all not my family. I have to move out first."
„I understand. When?"
„As fast as possible"
„Alright then pack your things"
„Are you for real? I mean I have to tell them"
„I know, but why should we wait. Tell them today and you can move the next week"
„No buts" I cut her off and she looked shocked
„Guess I'm moving"


A/n I'm kinda struggling writing, so only a short chapter. Do you have any ideas to make the story more interesting?

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