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Holy shit there were like 5 paparazzis around my car. They had probably already taken a thousand photos. Fuck. For luck the windows in the back were darkened, but still. I snapped my shirt and threw it on.

„Stay here, I'm gonna drive and you'll stay here in the back."
I threw on my boxershorts and went on the drivers seat, then drove as fast as I could out of the parking lot and home.

„I'm so fuckin sorry, these bastards I fucking hate them, they destroy the best moments in my life"
She just laughed in the back and came to the front too.

„Well they destroyed our little make out session, but I don't think they got that worse photos"
„For luck I'm not a that big artist, otherwise it would be much worse. I hope they won't public any, this may end bad for you" I said.
„Well then we can't change it"
She was so relaxed, I didn't knew that from her.
„You are so calm, I don't know that attitude from you"
„Well I got fucked really good just a few minutes ago, I'm very satisfied"

I laughed and she kissed me.
„Hopefully there won't be that much about it on social media" I said
„Yes I hope so too" she answered.

We got inside my house and the whole gbc sat in the living room.
„Ey we know what you two have been doing in the car" cold hart said.
„Wtf you stalker, why do you know it?"

Chris showed me a post on Instagram.
„Spotted: Lil peep having sex in his car with a mysterious girl"

Holy shit, they are fast. Rose went to the phone and looked at the photo.
„Look I'm mysterious!" she laughed and I just watched her.
„Do you think they could detect that this is me?"

Well there wasn't much to see, just the back of her head and my face.
„Well there is a chance, but I don't think so" I said.
She looked a little shocked.

„But ehm... I, well I'm not gonna have problems with paparazzis or jealous fans do I?"
„Well ehm I don't know but I don't think so" I said Again.
I took her hand.
„Chill everything is gonna be alright my dear"

My friends looked at me with a weird grimace when I said my dear.

I lead her in my room that we could talk in private about this.
„So ehm is everything alright?" I asked.
„Sure I mean you can't see anything on this picture. I mean yes, I'm kinda embraced if someone I know sees this, they'll be shocked, but I think I can handle this"

I thought she would flip out and get angry, but she was so relaxed. I sat next to her on the bed.
„Next time we'll have to be more careful"
I kissed her and stroke over her fresh tattoo.

Suddenly my phone rang
„Who calls you"
„My mom"

„Hey momma, how are you doing? Is everything alright? How about Taz?" I started the talk.
„Well everything is quite well at this moment, but have you seen the news? There are you with a girl in a car and ehm..."
„Yes I know this sucks, but- wait a second"

I walked to the bathroom, to tell my mom about her. I've alway told my mom about my feelings and we talked about girls too, even though I'm 19 I still like telling her these things.

„Okay I had to leaf the room. So we'll this girl, she is just perfect. When I'm with her, I feel happy. Well there have been some problems the past days, but I think I really love her. She is kind of ehm... well she has some issues and I'm trying to get her out of these. Mom, she is so much more then gorgeous. I'm so in love I have to cringe at myself."
„Gusy this sounds like you really love her. But please don't overexert yourself while helping her. I know you get lost in things and that you are quite passionate and when you do something, you are really into it. But if she really is that perfect, bring her with you when you are here the next time"
I smiled as she said that.
„I will, when shall we come?"
„Whenever you want. I just wanted to check on you after those things on social media. These paparazzi indeed suck"
I loved when my mom talks like that, it is quite funny.
„Beeing some kind of famous sucks too sometimes but I'm grateful for everything"
„I know you can do this, and there is just your face on the picture, so keep her safe from these weirdos"
„I will"
„And Gus, use protection"
„Oh mom stop that"
I hung up and left the bathroom, but I noticed that Rose stood right in front of the door. I opened the  door and fastly jumped a bit towards her.
„You little peeper"
She was hella scared and I started to laugh.
„I ehm, well... I just-
„No worries, you will get your punishment for spying me"

She took a step back and I grabbed her waist to lift her up. She was a little shocked because of my fast move. She screamed while I ran into my bedroom with her in my arms. The others watched us from the living room.
„What the hell are you doing"
She screamed while I threw her on my bed and got on top of her.

I began tickleing her and she laughed and screamed. Holy shit she was so adorable. Her head tuned completely red and her hair looked like mess cause she tried to unleash herself under me. I tucked up her hands next to her head so she couldn't move anymore. I kissed her and she calmed down a little.
„Why did you spy the call?"
„I, well ehm I don't know. I think I just wanted to hear how you describe me to your mom and well you are literally the cutest guy I've ever met"
I looked at her. Every compliment out of her mouth was so much more important then the ones everybody else gives me. I wondered how she really felt about me. I layed my head on her shoulder and she started playing with my hair. I closed my eyes and kissed her neck, when I fell asleep.

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