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Rose POV
A few moments later we were done and got back in the car.
„I'm sorry I got that much attention from that hoe, I hate it too"
„It's okay and I understand her, your music is good and you are beautiful. It's okay, just don't flirt with them, otherwise I will get furious"

He laughed and turned towards me. He grabbed my head and bend over to me to kiss me passionatefull. This kiss was so unexpected, I loved it. He played with his tongue in my mouth and pulled me closer to him. He gasped for air between two kisses.
„Holy shit babe I want you" I whispered. He pulled me over to his side and I sat on his lap. He leaned his seat back so we had a bit more space. He drove under my shirt. Holy shit. I didn't knew where to put my legs, it was a bit uncomfortable here. I stroke through his hair and pushed closer to him.

„Isn't it uncomfortable having sex here?"
He looked in my eyes, his hair looking like a mess.
„Yes but I want you right now"

He lifted me up and got out of the car to get me on the backseat. He layed me on the seats and got over me. He closed the door and began kissing me again.
He slid under my shirt again. He stroke over my back and scratched it softly. Then he took my shirt of end threw it through the car. I began gliding under his shirt too. I touched his belly and stroke up to his chest. He layed on me, just propped up so I could undress him. I stroke off his shirt, then opened his belt. He opened my bra and kissed my boobs, leaving little hickeys. He kissed my new „stupid" tatt and smiled, then he slid under my trousers and ripped them off and began licking me.
„Gus holy fucking shit, you..." I moaned.
His head got up from between my legs.
„You like that, baby girl?"
What did he call me? Fuck
„Yes fuck go on please, stupid"
He slid inside me with his fingers and I gasped for air. He moved up and down with his finger while his tongue still comforted my clit. He suddenly stopped and skid on me again. I teared of his jeans fastly, then got to his boxershorts. I swapped the position, so that I was on top of him. I touched his dick through his pants, then swapped them down to get to touch it. I stroke over his dick, first very soft, then with more pressure. I took it in my mouth and began going up and down. He layed his hand on the back of my head and pressed me down till I gaged. I licked around his dick, then decided that it was enough prelude. I slid up on him and then sat down on his waist. He grabbed my waist and then slid into me. Feeling him inside of me was the best thing I've ever felt. He moved my waist up and down. I slid over his chest. Bending towards me he moaned, then kissed me. I enclosed his waist with my legs. He rolled over, so that I layed under him again. He slid out and in me.
„Fuck Gusy I'm so wet. Fuck me harder"
He moved faster inside me, while he pined me down with his hand on my throat. It hurt in such a good way as he penetrated even harder. He took my leg and stretched it further towards my head to irrupt even deeper in me.
„Baby Girl, I think I have to cum, you turn me on in a way oh- he moaned while he cumed inside me. My legs shacked and I felt the best orgasm ever as he went on for one more minute. Everything cramped inside of me. I screamed a bit, but he pressed his hand on my mouth.
„There are people, they think I would rape you if you scream that loud. He still went on even though we both already came.
„I can't get enough of you" he gasped and I moaned, while he pushed in me again. His fingers played with my clit and my legs shaked so freaking much.
„I can't too"
He kissed me then slid out of me and sat down next to me. We just sat there, completely out of air.

I heared a click noise from a Kamera. What?

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