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Rose POV
I was still hella upset because of what happened. For luck he had been there, without him, well... there could have happened some things...

„Is this outfit okay to meet your parents?"
He asked me while looking in the mirror and stroking through his hair to get it in order. I checked out his outfit, he wore a pink camo hoodie and black jeans.
„Why shouldn't it be okay?"
„I don't know, I just want to make a good first impression. Maybe your parents don't like me cause I have tatts on my face, or dyed hair, or a weird outfit or anything like this. I normally don't care what people think about me, but these are your almost parents. What if they don't like me?"
He still tried to fix his messy hair, but just couldn't.
„Calm down, stupid, you look great and Olivia, Joel's mom, won't care wether you have tattoos or anything, but I'm not sure what his dad is gonna say, I don't think he has a problem with it, maybe he will stare at you a little. They will like you, you are such a gentle man that knows how to treat a woman. That's everything that counts. Just act normal and keep calm, I know you can do this."

He still combed through his hair. I walked to him to help him with his hair. He bend down so I could part it.
„Thanks. I hope I don't ruin this the way I ruin everything in my life."
„You don't ruin everything, stupid"
„Looks great like this."
I kissed his forehead and he hugged me.
„I know you can do this, stupid"
„If you think so, my dear"

He took his bag and we got inside my car.
„Do I need to pay attention to anything when I'm talking to your parents? Any themes that will end in a bad discussion?"
„Don't start talking about drugs or anything that happened between us, any of the incidents"
„I know that you don't talk about sex life, drugs and anything else with the parents of the girl you wanna keep for the rest of the life."

Did he really said he wanted to keep me, me the annoying hoe, that always gets in trouble, for the rest of his life?
„I know you know this, but well... I think everything else is quite easy and okay to talk about. Oh! You should try not to curse or use swear words like fuck, shit, dope and stuff"
„I know how to talk when someone that is important to impress is around. I will play the perfect son in law"
„Good boy"
He glanced over to me and I smirked devilish.
We finally arrived and I noticed that he was completely nervous.


Shit I was so tensed as I got out of the car. She looked at me and smiled.
„I know you can do this, just be yourself"
I panicked a little. In other situations I'd take some Xans now, but I wanted to stay sober.

We entered the door and it already smelled delicious like food. A quite small middle aged lady walked towards us and welcomed me friendly. I shook her hand.

„You gotta be Gus?"
„Yes m'am"
„Don't call me m'am, I'm Olivia, get in."

She smiled and I was so hella nervous. She lead us to the already set table, where her dad and Joel sat too.

Holy shit this was just too much. Rose sat next to me and layed her hand on my lap, trying to comfort me. Her dad stared at me like he had the urge to jump over the table and pin me on the wall to protect Rose. I felt so dump. Non of us said anything till her mom came out of the kitchen and presented her roast meat.
„Smells delicious" I ended the awkward silence.
„What do you wanna drink? Beer?" her dad asked. She hit my feet and I understood that this was a catch question.
„No, sir I don't drink alcohol"
He nodded and smiled.
„Call me Phill, please"

Yes! This was the first step in the right direction. Joel laughed a little, cause he knew this was a lie.

Olivia putted some of her dish on my plate and Rose went in the kitchen to get soda for us. Shit she left me alone.

„So do you go to university? Or do you have a job?"
Her dad stared at me. Joel laughed again, but I kept serious.
„Well I'm producing music and earn more then enough money from this, so I'm a freelancer"
Her dad didn't seem satisfied from my answer.

„Sound like a lot of fun" Olivia tried to ease the conversation. Then Rose came back.
The whole atmosphere were strained.

„So what is this between you two?"
I looked at her and tried to signalisiert her that she had to say it, cause I was overwhelmed.
„Well, ehm-
I began to stutter as she didn't seem to start talking.
„Well I'm interducing you all, so it gotta be something a bit more serious"
I smiled and nodded.

I tried the dish and it was hella delicious.
„This is so delicious"
Olivia smiled

The conversation, if you could call it like that, didn't got any more natural.

„So have you already met his family?" Joel asked.
„No I haven't, but we are planning to visit his mom"
I nodded again. I think I seem like an idiot that can't really talk.

The rest of the diner was the same, one question and one answer. As we were finally done, Rose started to collect the plates and brought them to the kitchen. Joel and his mom started cleaning too. I wanted to help to, but Phill stopped me.
„Can we talk for a minute?"

Shit. Shit. Shit. What did I do wrong? I searched for Rose, but she was in the kitchen.
„Yes of course"
We went in the living room for some privacy.

„Listen, if you do anything to her, hurt her, I'll destroy your life. You are a bad influence for Rose, and I really don't like that. I'll keep an eye on you. If anything goes wrong, or if anything would happen, you aren't welcome in my house anymore. Just remember that."
Shit. Why was he so pissed on me? I hadn't even done anything.
„Yes sir, but I'll protect her from everything. She's important to me and I would never hurt her"
I remembered the past day. Shit, I did hurt her. But...

„Well I'll keep an eye on you. And if she gets preg- I don't even wanna think about this- you are gonna stay with her."

How did he came to this idea? He is so weird. As if this would happen.  And even if it was clear that I would stay. I mean why does every adult think that I couldn't deal with anything. And this won't happen.
„Sir, I don't think this would happen"
„You'll never know. Just remember, if I notice that she is hurt because of you, I'll make your life a living hell"

„Yes, sir, I'm okay with this, cause I won't hurt her"
Rose entered the room.
„Is everything okay in here?"
„Yes, we are done" her dad said fastly.
No nothing was okay.
„Well okay"

I walked towards Rose and kissed her. Her dad didn't like that, but I didn't mind. He will see that I'm the right for her.
„Can we go in your room" I whispered, so only she could hear me.

Instead of answering she took my hand and lead me upstairs. I was so happy to finally get out of this awkward situation.

When I started publishing this, I never thought it could reach #1 in any of the rankings. Than you so, so much. It's a great birthday present!

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