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So the concert, rather a privat party than a concert, went good as hell. I was so insecure about this whole affair, but it went so well. After singing praying to the sky I lost that feeling completely. Well maybe it's because of the weed but it felt great.

After  my performance I hopped down the stage to get to know the hoes that actually like my music. In the short break I hadn't had enough time. I still can't believe it. I remember when I uploaded my first song to SoundCloud and how slowly more and more weirdos listend to it, now performing in front of them is sick.

I knew many of the people that came here. In the break I had to end up one discussion much to early because I had to go on with my show. Since I'm a little fame many people don't want to give me some Critic or anything like that shit. They are almost scared and respect me in a way i don't like. But she had the balls to contradict me. It kinda turned me on even though I hated it. I know it sounds like a teen drama cliche. I really wanted to play with that chick again because she was interesting. I know that I should remember her from the few days I were in high school but I don't really remembered her. It made me kinda sad that I hadn't noticed her I mean she looked like she was good at sucking dicks. Well don't get me wrong she is beautiful cause she doesn't look like everybody. And there I mean she didn't look like a slut that wears things for in the size for babies. Her outstanding green eyes were the first thing I observed looking in her face. She wore those lace tops that always drove me crazy. She looked provocative, but in a good way. Not to much but enough to look sexy.

I glanced through the slightly illuminated room and found her again. I walked straight towards her.
„It's me again, dear"
„Don't call me like that" her hypnotic eyes puckered when she said that.
„Ok I'm sorry, dear"
„What did I just told you, stupid"
Did she really call me stupid? How dare she. That made me crazy.
„Did you really call me like that?"
„Calling you what I didn't hear anything"
Now she wants to play with me? Provoke me? I got a little fourious. I took a big stepp towards her.
„Listen you don't call me names, understood my dear?"
I saw a not discribeable sparkle in her eyes
„How about you calming down and the fuck stop calling me dear. Maybe smoke a little or stuff."
I know she didn't meant a cigarette but did she really wanted to tell me that I need drugs. I mean they would definitely help but... I kinda wanted to get to know her better even though she makes me angry, so I got a little nicer.
„You're right smoking would help" I said and took out a joint. She looked at the thing like she would see something that she never saw before.

„Want some?" I asked looking her in the eyes.
She looked searching through the room not finding her poor friend or boyfriend or in what relationship the fuck they are.
Then she suddenly grabbed the joint out of my hand with a suspicious look in her eyes.
„Yea why not."
I glanced at her with a amused laughing on my face.
„Why yes"
She focused on the joint and appears like she didn't know what to do, then lead at in her mouth and took a deep drag of that shit. She had a huge cough attack but after a second drag everything was okay again. She looked relaxed and her eyes became wider then I thought any eye could get.
„That shit is awesome"
„Yea it is." I said while she gave me the joint back. I took 2 big pulls of it then gave it back to her and so we smoked that crap together. We walked towards the couch near by and I sat down right next to her.
„May I get your number,my dear?"
She took out her phone so that I see her number.
„Of cours you can, stupid"
Fastly I teared out my phone, creating a new contact.
„Thanks, my dear"
Suddenly that son of a bitch came back an sat down close next to her. To close I thought.

„Where have you been so long? You suddenly just were gone" Rose asked. The only thing I remembered from highschool was her name. I liked it because you don't hear it everywhere and it remembered me of the flower.
„I talked with some hoe over there."
„So regular?" she said bored.
„Hell Yea i bet I get her in my bed tonight."
So now it's clear they are just friends. It kinda made me happy I the fuck don't know why.
„How bout you both? What have you been doing?"
„We vaped a little, didn't we my dear?"
„So this is why you are acting kinda strange" Joel coplained at Rose.
„Well I'm sorry but I'm not used to that state of being high" We all laught about that.
Joel stood up with the words: „Gotta get my bitch ready"
„He is such a fuck boy, disgusting" Rose complained laughing.
„Well everybody in a way don't you think so?"
„But he is that taxing one"
„These are the most annoy-
My words got cut in half from some dude

„Peep we got there some problems backstage, you gotta come."

With an apologetically look in my eyes I stood up and left.

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