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Rose POV

We got up two hours later, it was like 8pm. I still thought about the thing with the picture. Joel had texted me and asked wether this was me. Who else should it be? Gus would never cheat on me, well but we aren't in a relationship, I'm not ready for this, but he is, I think. He told his mum how perfect I was and I think they talked about visiting, but I've just heard what he said and not what his mom said. He told Joel how he felt about me, his mom, I think I'm really important to him. He is to me too, but I just can't express it.

We walked in the living room to his friends. They were a little suspicious, but seemed quite nice.

Gus sat down on an armchair and I sat on his lap. He enclosed my waist with his arms and I leaned back.
Some dude sniffed a line of cocaine. I've never seen this in real life before and was a little shocked.
„Want some too Gus?"
He looked at me.

„You don't have to not do it cause I'm here. Do what you want, I don't want to stop you from anything" I whispered in his ear.
„No worries, I'm scared you think anything bad about me when I do it"
„I literally don't care ehm- could I have that stuff"
The dude gave me the packet with the white powder. I didn't know whats wrong with me, but I had seen how the dude did it and gave a bit of it on the table, then formed it in a line.
„What the fuck are you doing? This isn't good"
„I've never tried it and now I have the opportunity. What should I do next?"
„Are you serious? Do you really wanna try this?"
„Yes I want to, you've done it like 1000 times, I've never, so don't play the protector."

He looked at me a little shocked. My heart beat fast and I pressed him a kiss on the cheek.
„I know what I'm doing"
„No you don't, this is to much, at all for your first time"
He parted the line in two parts, then gave me a tube to sniff it.

That stuff hella burned in my nose, fuck what have I been doing? He took the tube and sniffed the other half of the line. He laughed and looked in my shocked face.
„Everything is alright, my dear just calm down and don't think about it"

I leaned back and he pulled me closee to his chest.
After 5 minutes I felt the first effects. I got a little jittery and hat the urge to move around. The music got louder and I barely understood what the others were talking about. After a few minutes the bad side effects were gone and there were just this good feeling left, everything seemed relaxed. I had the feeling my brain would work faster and I was more focused on everything. This was quite a good feeling.
„How do you feel?"
„Fantastic, I love this stuff"
He laughed.

„Was it your first time?" Tracy asked
„Well yes"
„A big applause for this girl" Tracy called out.
The dudes began clapping and laughing.
„Well Gus isn't a good influence for a innocent girl like you" Tracy said again.
I started laughing loudly.
„Believe me, she isn't as innocent as she seems, I thought so too firstly" Gus said and laughed.
I beat him playfully and he kissed me.
It was quite a funny evening, I got to know his friends better. We went in his room again at 3am.

„I didn't know you were such a savage, my dear"
I laughed and fell on his bed.
„I didn't know that either, it's you, my bad influence, stupid" I laughed.
He threw a pillow in my face.
„Ey I didn't even want to do it in front of you, you convinced me"
I threw the pillow back to him.
„You can do whatever you want when you are with me, I'm the last one stopping you from anything" I said.
„It just didn't feel right, but well now it's my fault you tried weed and cocaine, I am indeed a bad influence"
„Well no cause apparently I wanted to do it"
„But without me you wouldn't have done it" he looked sad.
„Shut the fuck up stupid" I hopped towards him and sat on him.
„I like the way you talk to me" he said in a sarcastic tone. I bend down and kissed him, I was still loaded with adrenaline. He rolled over fastly so I layed under him.

„But I want to be the dominate part" he said that in such a deep tone.
„Well I don't think you are" I unleashed myself under him and threw myself on him again.
„Fuck didn't saw this coming"
He rolled over again and pinned me down, so I couldn't untie myself again.
He began kissing me and stroke his shirt off, then started with mine.
„Babe, make me scream"

He unleashed my hands, so that I could slid under his trousers. He helped me sliding them of, so I could touch him. I began takeing of my trousers and he bend over to his bedside table takeing out a pack of condoms, then stroke it over his dick. He pushed inside me and I ached my bag. My fingers scratched over his back leaving marks there. He tied my hand up again, so I couldn't do anything but letting him fuck me. He touched my clit while he hit in me over and over.
„Fuck, Rose I lo-
He stopped in the middle of the word, knowing that I'd be scared if he says that again or hurt cause I wouldn't answer anything. I unleashed my hand and clawed it in his back.

He held my head, so it wouldn't smash on the headboard of the bed. The bed squeaked loudly as I moaned. I pulled I'm closer inside me and he reached a really good place. I screamed as he kept stimulating the spot. To stop me beeing so loud he choked me.
„Gus, keep doing that I'm almost cuming" he looked deep inside my eyes and then cumed, I've never heared him moan that loud. His hair hang in his face and I stroke it from his sweaty forehead. He slid down from me and I fell asleep, him holding me pressed tight to his chest.

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