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We drove to her house and I went inside with her.

„Hey Joel bro, long time no see" I walked over to him.
„I'm gonna pack some things, you can wait here if you want" Rose said as she had claimed the first steps of the stairs.

I sat down on the couch, where Joel sat too.
„So you are with her?" He asked grinning at me.
„Well you may have heard, it's quite complicated, but I'm trying"

He looked deep in my eyes.
„If you hurt her or do anything to her, I'll kill you. She's like a sister to me and I'm gonna protect her. She cried so much, she never did before. I've never seen her cry that much, you changed her and I don't know wether that's good."

Wow he really thought I could hurt her. I know that she isn't as mentally stable as she seems, but still I couldn't hurt her, not on purpose.
„I won't, I'll protect her too. No worries. I already saved her life once and I'd do it thousand times again"
He looked at me in shock.
„You saved her life?"
„Kinda. Didn't she tell you? Some dude tried to give her an overdose, but I carried her to the hospital and beat the dudes ass up"
„I didn't knew that"
„Listen you don't have to worry about me hurting her, I love her so fucking much. She is so much more then gorgeous, so much more then perfect, right now I know that I'm not really worth it, but give me some time I will work on it. I know that I'm the bad influence and stuff but I care about her. And I know she deserves someone much better then me and I think I'm not that important to her, but she is to me"
„Wow you are really important to her, believe me."

I heard her walking downstairs. Hopefully she hadn't heard my mawkish speech about how I much I love her.
„We can go"
She held a big bag in her hand.
„What did you pack in that thing? Your entire room?"
„No just the most important things"
I took her bag as I said goodbye.

„I can't believe I'm gonna get my first tattoo, it's something special" she jumped around like crazy.
„Yes it is, my dear. What do you wanna get?" I walked next to her.
„Well I don't know, I think not something that big, but something with a deeper meaning, maybe a insider"
„Insiders are always a good idea"
„It was kind of inspiring what you told Joel, it sounded poetic"

Fuck she heared it.
„Well it's- I don't know. What do you mean?" I stuttered and couldn't look in her eyes.
„I mean like everything"

She shouldn't have heared this. I was so nervous, she noticed this. I looked at the ground.
„It just got in my mind" I said insecure.

Well this was a lie, I had this line in my head for a while for a song.
„I think I'm gonna get stupid tatted, cause it reminds me of you. Here on my collarbone or my wrist, but I don't think it works on my wrist cause it's a little ehm... damaged. How about you?"
Well I had many ideas, but now she had the almost same idea I had.
„Well I had almost the same idea my dear"
„So you wanna get my dear"
„Got me"

I was so happy, this showed me that she liked me more then she could say.
She layed her hand on my lap again. Fuck, I had rejected her last evening and this morning. I just don't want to fuck all the time, I want to show her that I love her, not just physical. I still was a little ashamed that she heared my conversation with Joel. Maybe it was a little too much, cause I know it's hard for her to believe me.

Rose POV
He was so goofy today, but I noticed he was acting a bit too weird. I didn't knew what exectly it was, but I suspected it had to do something with the conversation with Joel or that I still hadn't said these three words.

I was so excited when we got out of the car and went into the tattoo shop.
„Hello do you have an appointment?- Wait oh my god your lil peep aren't you?"
Peep looked at the bottom and was a little ashamed.
„Yes I am lil peep"
„Can we please take a Photo? I love your music"
It was kinda weird that people actually know who he is and want to take photos and stuff. He attracted attention, I wasn't used to this and he looked like he wasn't too. He took the phone and took a selfie with her.

„What tattoo do you wanna get?" The lady said.
„Well we both want to get one" he smiled at me.
He laughed and we talked about the motives we want to get.
„Shall I go first? That you can see how it works" Gus asked.
„Yes I'm quite nervous"

He sat down and the tattoo artist started to sting the tattoo. He didn't even grimaced when  the needles stinged in the skin of his arm.
„I'm used to the pain of getting tatted, I think you will have some more problems"

He sat there so relaxed, as if nothing would sting in him 1000 times per minute.
„I think so too" I laughed.
Shit I was so nervous, for him this wasn't a big deal but for me...
„I think it's your turn now" the artist said and smiled at me.
Shit, now there is no going back. I sat down on the chair and the woman began sketching the lettering on my collarbone.
Gus sat next to me and took my hand.
„You can press my hand as hard as you want, my dear. You can do this"

The woman looked at him as he called me my dear.
„So are you two dating?" She asked.
I looked him in the eyes, waiting for him to answer. He didn't say anything and I didn't knew what I could say. I don't know how he sees this.
„Well ehm... Kinda, but I think we don't lable it do we?"
He looked at me insecure after I said that.
„Yes, I'd label it as dating, but I don't know what she calls this"

He said it with a proud smile, then kissed my cheek. It felt so interesting that somebody is proud of telling someone that they are dating me. I felt that I blushed.
„I'm happy for you two"
Then she began tattooing me.
„Holy fucking shit this... How could you sit ther so relaxed"
I pressed his hand and I saw that it hurted him, but he didn't say anything, just smiled.
„You can get through this, my dear"
„How could you persuade me to do that, stupid"
I got used to the pain, and got a little more relaxed.
„See I told you it isn't that worse, my dear"
„It's true. It is so much better now" I said sarcastic

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