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I hadn't anything to do, Rose hadn't had time and wanted to spent the day with her family, so I decided to just watch a movie with Tracy.

„Bro you changed a lot since you are with her, I mean no parties, no hoes, not that many drugs, she made you a better person"
„I feel like I don't need this when I'm with her and we were at some parties"
„But not at that many."
„I have some nice ideas for some songs, let's make some music"
„Let me guess where you get your ideas from, little lover boy"
„Rose, she's just perfect, she saved me from getting even more in trouble.
We went into the studio room and I recorded some shit. I was so excited to show it to Rose.

I fell in my bed at like 2am. My bed felt empty without her, it was like a feeling of loneliness. Does she miss me too? Is she still awake? I turned around and zoned out.

I woke up the next morning with an ache in my head. I hadn't drunk that much and there weren't many drugs, I'm just not used to this anymore. That's weird.
I noticed this was the first day for a week I had woken up alone in my bed. Shitty feeling. I decided to text her again.

Good morning sweetheart
Did you sleep well?

Yes I did

Didn't wake up next to u😓

Poor Gusy

Get your sexy ass here

I can't

Why? I need u

I just don't feel good

Shall I come over?

No, I just need some rest

Get well soon!
I love you
If you need something text me

I'm just gonna sleep a bit
Text u when I wake up
Love you too


Whats wrong with her? Something has to be wrong. I decided to make some music again as long as I'm waiting for her to tell me to come over. I need to see her. It feels like withdrawal even though it's just been a day.

Tracy walked into the room.
„ Bro I though you were at Rose."
„No, she doesn't feel well" I said in a sad tone.
„Then make her feel good"
I slapped him playfully.

„No she had been acting weird the past days, always threw up, I don't know what's wrong with her"
He leaned against my desk.
„Well ehm I don't know. Just drive to her. Sounds like she'd need you"
„No, she said she needs some rest"
„But she can sleep while you are with her. Trust me, just drive to her"
„No I don't have the balls to do this"
„Well then leave your future wife alone, what does she have you for when you don't help her when she doesn't feel good" he leaned back
„You're right, but ehm..."
„No ehm get your ass in the car, she needs you"
He was right, she needs me. But what if she doesn't and just wanna be alone? I decided to stay a little longer and drive to hers in two hours.

Rose POV

I ran to the toilet and threw up. Joel ran towards me.
„Rose? What's wrong? I heard you like 100" times tonight."
I sat down in front of the toilet. And whipped over my mouth.
„No I have this for like a week now, maybe a bit longer"
He sat down next to me and held my hair as I bend over the bowl again.
„You need to see a doctor"

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