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Rose POV

I didn't knew where I was, it was completely dark. I had taken the first exit I found. The door opened behind me and I tried to run away, but then I noticed that it was a dead end.

„Rose please stop"
I looked at him.
„You dick head! I was about to trust you, to love you and what are you doing? Kissing that stupid fangirl. What's wrong with you? Why does everybody treat me like shit? I thought at least you would care about me. I the fuck fell in love with you, and I was so scared of this. Scared of getting hurt. I love you, but now... you are so disgusting. Please just go away"
I screamed and tears run down my face. He gripped my arm.

„Did you just say I love you?"

Shit I did. What the hell.
„Yes, but you mistreated me, like everybody else I fell for did, I hate it, I hate everything. I just wanna end-
„Stop that, don't say it. I'm sorry, I was and I am still completely high. This girl meant nothing, she came to me, telling me she was a fan and then kissed me. She couldn't know I'm in a relationship or whatever this is"
„And why the fuck did you kiss her back"
„And you think this would be enough to clear this circumstance?"
„I'm sorry"
„Fuck you"
I tried to walk past him to leaf, but he griped my arm again.
„I'm sorry, you know I love you. This was a mistake. I was just to drugged to notice what a big mistake this was"
This asshole. Did he really thought he'd get me back that easily? He could keep this whole I'm sorry gibberish, if you do it once, you'll do it again and therefore I'm scared.

„I know I fucked up this time. I'm so sorry my dear"
I unleashed myself and slapped him in his face, then went inside again. He rubbed over his cheek, while he ran behind me.
„Rose stop!"
I walked faster.
„Rose, you know I need you"
I tuned around.
„If I'd really mean that much to you, you wouldn't have made out this girl, bye stupid motherfucker"
He ran and stood in front of me again.
„Please stop, it was just a kiss"
„But what would you have done if I wouldn't have been there?"
He kept quiet.


I didn't know what to say to convince her that I'd never do that again. Also, I wondered why I suddenly could think that clear again. This fangirl just came to me and she couldn't know it. Yes, I shouldn't have kissed her, but...
I imagined Rose kissing someone else and had the urge to kill the fictional boy she was kissing.

„I know it was stupid and dump and I can understand that you are upset and furios. Beat me, yell at me, hurt me, do anything you want to me, but just don't leave me. I need you"
My eyes filled with tears too. Why did I had to kiss her back, the kiss was horrible. She tasted like rotten eggs.

„Rose please say something, I need you. I'm so sorry. I will never do anything like this again. I couldn't think clearly. Please forgive me, I just imagined you kissing someone else and had the urge to kill this fictional person. I can't remotely understand how you feel, but please give me another chance. I know that I'm not that important to you, but to me, my dear, you are so much more then perfect,  but I know that I'm not really worth it, but give me some time while I work on it. I just love you. Please don't leave"
Tears stormed out of her eyes.

„Please just let me go, I have to think about it"
Think about what? Wether we are done or she could give me another chance?
I took a step back from the door.
„Just remember, I love you" I said quietly
She just turned around and walked away.

I waited a minute behind the door, then followed her without remark. She walked home and I heared her cry, even though I was like 10 meters behind her. She entered the house and I stood there, not knowing what to do. I called her a few times, but she didn't answer. I looked up to her window. There stood a ladder, I could use it to climb up and knock on her window.
I took the ladder and carried it to her window, slowly I began climbing it up and watched through her window. She sat on her bed, with a knife. I watched her making a cut. This hurt me more then her I think. I knocked with my fist against the glass.

She startled and threw away her knife. She watched me and made a go away sign with her hand. I kept there and knocked again. She walked to the window and stroke some tears out of her face.
„What the fuck you are scary"
„I wanted to check on you, watch out that you don't do anything stupid"
„Thanks I can protect myself"
„Apparently not, don't you remember?"
„Fuck off"
„I wanted to apologize again. I'm really sorry. And I'm hella scared of dieing right now, cause I'm standing on this uncomfortable ladder. Well if I died, all our problems would be gone" I said
„Don't say that, there would be even more"
So she still liked me at least a little.
I stood there on the ladder and she just looked at me. I grabbed her hand.
„I'm so sorry, I'll never do anything like that ever again, I promise. As I've told you, you can do anything but leave me"
„I don't know if I could trust you ever again. But ehm...
She looked me deeper in the eyes.
... I still love you"
Yes, she still likes me.
„Get in here" she said.
As I had climbed through the window she slapped me again.
„Ouch" I scrubbed over my face.

„I forgive you, but this doesn't meant that I'm less furios or that I forget it, and I don't know wether I can forgive you completely. I mean I love you, yes, but this doesn't mean that you can hurt me and then everything is just alright again. You are an asshole"

I was so glad she forgave me, and I completely understood her. I am an asshole.
„Thank you so, so much. I understand you completely. I know that I was acting like an asshole but I'm working on this. I'll do everything for you, my dear"
She layed down in her bed and showed me I should lay next to her. I pulled her closer to me and hugged her tight.
„Fuck you, stupid"

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