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Rose POV

I fucking hate the way he slips around with me. One day he is the biggest hypocrite and the other he doesn't even care or whatever.

I couldn't sleep all night after that. For luck I hadn't class the next day so I could stay in my room all day long just letting the emotions sink in.

At 2 pm Joel showed up, but I didn't want to talk. I really don't know whats wrong I mean it wasn't that mean what he did but I just felt so weird.
He didn't text me or call me and I lived my life like I was a robot, just Uni and staying in my room. I barely ate and didn't show any motions around other people. I hadn't enough power to cry, to learn or to speak. I felt empty.

I decided that I wouldn't text her again or anything. It was her turn. I couldn't handle the situation. She got important in that short time and then left? Everything I love leaves me. I drowned my pain in sex. I fucked every bitch arround but none of them fucked me right. I wanted to feel her scratching my back, or just lay next to her. With her I didn't even had to fuck all the time that I have fun meeting her. I mean sex with her is like a dream but she was just not only there for it. It wasn't my intention to fuck her the last times.
I couldn't eat or sleep. I just did drugs and fucked these whores. When I was alone, i cried like a three year old baby.
Copping in this way isn't healthy I know but there wasn't anything else I could do. From day to day I lost the feeling she'd call me. Just a little text could make me smile, but nothing.

Almost one week went like this and I lost hope.
On Saturday at almost 3am I heard a knock.
I layed in my bed, high as fuck like the past 6 days.
I grabbed a pair of trousers running to the door, hoping she stands there.

Indeed she stood there with big eyebags, crying in a black sweater and jogging trousers. She fell into my arms and my chest immediately was completely wet from her tears. I just held her.
„Fuck you"

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