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Rose POV

Gus had left a few hours ago and already took a few cloth with him.

"Olivia; I need to tell you something" I said as I walked into the kitchen. She looked up from the newspaper and raised her eyebrow.
„Gus asked me to move in in his house."

I straight told her. No reason for talking around the shit. I mean why should I? I gotta move as fast as possible.

"That's a big step" Olivia said, she looked a little shocked.
„I know, but we are into this for three month now and I really love him. Furthermore we are together 24/7 so we are used to it and it wouldn't change that much"
„So you want to move to him. Just remember you don't need him to do anything. You are an independent young women. Pleas stay like that"
Well that's easy to say if you don't know that you are pregnant, but things will change. I think I can make it till the next semester of university, but then it will be just to much and I gotta take a break.
„Of course! I don't need anybody but you, my family, in my life"
„When are you moving?"
„Every time I drive to his house I'll take a bit stuff till everything is at his."
„If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask me, okay?"
„Of course"

I started to pack my things into cardboard boxes to easily port them. I still can't believe this. And I still don't believe that I'm ready for this.


After I had left, I started thinking about it in my car again. I mean we are young, yes, but I love her, and I think she loves me, and even though it wasn't planned I'm so so happy. It doesn't fit in our lifes, but what did ever fit at mine? She is the best thing that ever happened to me, cause she saved me from taking even more drugs, or doing other whack shit.

I enters the house with her suitcase as Tracy watched me with an intersects gaze.

„Are you moving out bro?" he laughed
„No but someone's moving in"
He stared at me.
„What? She moves in am I right?"
„Absolutely, there was a little ehmmm... incident that convinced us that it's time for her to move in."
„What incident?"

I fell down on the couch next to him and scratched the back of my head, I'm kinda nervous to tell him.
„Well she is pregna-
„Oh my god my best friend is gonna be a father! Oh my god! Im gonna be an uncle! Like I knew you both had sex frequently, but that you would get her preggo... unexpected"
„Yep so she is moving in cause her almost parents wouldn't be that pleased with finding out she's pregnant. At all cause I'm not the son in law they want for her."
„But you are the most careing and just nicest human being in the fucking world man!"
„They don't see me as a person, just that I'm an unemployed, tattooed guy, that doesn't have a real job and that fucks her all the time."
„The last one is kinda right" he laughed and I beat him with a pillow that laid next to me.
„I think I don't wanna touch anything inside here again when she lives here. I mean you are obviously gonna do your kinky nastys all over the house"
„No worries, we already did"

He hopped of the couch and acted disgusted and I started laughing as loud as I can.
„You both are disgusting sex monsters"
„Not true! I just love her and her perfect tight pussy"
„What wanna give me some more extra detail? I'm sorry I don't wann hear it. Maybe I'll try it on my own"
„You wouldn't dare to do anything like that! I mean we are best friends, but sharing the love of my life with you? No god damn way this is happening!"
„Calm down I was just joking. Wanna have some lean?"
God she said no drugs. But I want some, and you can't just stop being a junkie. She won't know it and I can't reject Tracy, cause well we aren't as close as we used to be before I met Rose.
„God I missed that stuff"
He poured the purple sprite in a cup and I some for him in another. We crashed them together and I spoke a toast to our pregnancy and her moving in.

The dirty sprite kicked in and I felt relaxed. Everything seemed okay and the thoughts that drove me crazy since I found out she's pregnant silenced.

The doorbell rang and Tracy walked over to open it. I was like hypnosed in the couch. Maybe it was a bit to much for my system cause I haven't taken anything the past week. So we'll a bit but not as much as usual.

I heard her voice, is it a dream? She sat next to me, then gave me a slap on the face.
She seemed furious, but why? She screamed and she never did before, I think.
I pressed her on to my chest and sniffed the smell of her pink hair. Strawberry with a haunt of weed. The weed hadn't been there when I first meet her, that's my fault. But somehow it smelled so good and so much like home.

My mind still didn't work that well and just some weird words came out of it.
„Babygirl calm down, my princess, it's alright I'm completely fine" I mumbled with my head on her hair.

„But I'm not! I'm pregnant and the best think you can do is do drugs? Oh I'm so mad at you"
Shit. But instead of apologizing, my mind got crazy.
„Babygirl should I show you what a good almost daddy I'd be? I mean I'm almost a daddy"
„Stop That. It's pathetic!"
I had almost no control over myself, but I pushed her in my lap and started to move my hips so I touch her.
„Stop that, stupid"
„Look what a good daddy I am! I let you ride my lap"
„You are so high right now. I won't fuck you like this, even though I want you badly"
„Then take me badly. Please fuck me, my dear"
„Don't beg me to f-
I cut her of while I crashed my lips on hers.

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