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Rose POV
Gus sat on me tickleing me and I laughed loudly, when the door opened. Joel stood there completely shocked.
„What the fuck are you both doing I... What the hell- I oh god..."
„You could join" Gus said laughing and pulled the blanket over us.
„Oh no I've thought about it, she's mine" he said after thinking about this, looking in my eyes and laying his hand between my legs. I got goose bumps when he started to wander up and down. I looked him deeper in the eyes.
„I wouldn't be interested in that. I'm gonna let you both mind your own business ugh"
„Unfortunately I've seen you having sex many times, so don't be nutty"
He left the door and I started laughing loudly.
„What's wrong with you?"
„I'm just drunk, had good sex and got seen naked by my best friend almost brother of course this is funny"
He laughed and smiled his sweetest smile. When Joel first told me how Gus looked like, I thought he looked creepy or strange but he looked so sweet and lovely. I mean he could look like a bad hellboy but instead his style and attitude made him so cute and endearing.
„You are cute my dear"
„Not all the time"
„You are always"
„You don't even know me"
He looked sad.
„I wanna change this. What should I know about you?"
„hmm ehm maybe that I'm living at Joel's since I was 8 years old because my mom is a piece of crap and my dad buzzed of when my mom told him she was pregnant or that I was an alcoholic because my mom broke me mentally. And then there was my ex that made these problems even bigger and pushed me into the addiction and he treated me like I was the trashyest shit that could even exist. At this time I was 16. Now I only drink at Partys or when I really need it."
It came all out of me. One hour ago I couldn't even say that my ex sucked and now this all.
„Deep, I'm sorry I mean this must had been shitty as fuck. And this was just the surface. I'm so sorry"
We were quiet for a moment.
I had destroyed the atmosphere well done Rose.
„I thought there would come something like my favorite ice cream is or this is my favourite anime but holy shit"
„My favorite ice cream is vanilla and I haven't watched any anime's yet"
„You what ugh vanilla ice cream is so shitty boring and just ugh disgusting and we fucking have to watch an anime together like soon"
„Then what's your favourite ice cream?"
„You know this blue one no one really knows what it tastes like? That shit is like my music. Nobody knows what it is but many people like it."
I laughed.
„It's to sweet for me"
„Am I to sweet or is it the ice cream?" he smiled like a fucking child. So innocent but everybody knew he fucked around a lot and stuff.
He smiled even more.
I looked at his tatoos, repainting the lines with my fingers. He enjoyed it so much.
„My tattoos are my everything, I'm sorry my dear, but if I woke up without that dope shit I would literally cry."
„I don't have any tatoos, but when I see them on you I have the need to get some too"
„Then get one and get the first that comes up to your mind"
„But why I have to see them every fucking day"
„That's the point. I'm not American and this crybaby tattoo remembers me of Americans cause they are all fuckin crybabys or this on my forehead it sais get cake die young, I got it when I was super high on some mushrooms. I literally woke up and was like : alright, that's there, and this is the best feeling oh and when I look in the mirror I don't even see my tattoos I just see my face you know"
I laughed

„But I don't think I could deal with it that way"
„You just have to get the meaning of the tattoo and suddenly every tattoo appears beautiful."
I thought about that. I mean I'd really like to get at least one or two, or more?
„That's right when I look at you I don't see the tattoos because I just see them as a part of you."
„I remember getting my first tat when I was like 14 and my friend made it in our garage while my mom went buying groceries, and that she doesn't get mad I stinged her initials and her birthday on my arm. This shit was like lit"
„I love that every little tattoo has his own story. Like you turned yourself in a living story. I want some too"
„You will get some definitely"

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