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Rose POV

I couldn't sleep that night and I knew he didn't too. I heared him rolling around in bed not finding the right position.
„What's wrong my dear?"
„I can't sleep, my thoughts won't silent and I feel bad even though everything is under control. It feels like everything is fadeing apart even though it should be fine"
„Me neither but it's all going to be okay"
I crawled over to him and laid my head on his chest as he played with my hair.
He began to sing and I felt the vibration on his chest.
„She's tryna find the words, I'm tryna find this girl
But it's so dark, and I was under club lights"

His calm raspy voice calmed me in a way nothing else could.

„Call me on my iPhone, I don't pick it up much
I've been losin' friends, I don't feel right"

I closed my eyes and fell asleep to his singing.


The next morning I got up early and sat down in the kitchen. I hadn't slept much this night cause I'm thoughts still go crazy about this situation. There will be so much change and I don't know wether we- no wether I'm ready for this. I'm just not able to quit all of this. All of the drugs, all of the criminal things. I mean I'm not the biggest criminal but there are some things when you get in the drug business.

Bexey walked in and got some coffee. I kinda hate that I'm never home alone and that there are always people I maybe even don't want to see right now.
„Bro why are you up that early? Don't know that from you" he said
„Couldn't sleep" I said dry and didn't even look up at him.
„You need to get fucked up once again you haven't partied in ages."
„Maybe but I can't do this to her"
„Fuck her man!" he said and swept his coffee a little.

He didn't seem to be interested in cleaning the mess up.
„You don't know what we are up to."
„And I'm not interested in knowing lmao. We both are going to get fucked up tonight"
„No this just doesn't work for me anymore. And would you mind cleaning your mess"
„Ugh you changed. This girl changed you. I liked you before her better. You are gonna get fucked up, no matter what you need that."

With that he meant drugs and girls, but the only girl I really want is in my bedroom still sleeping.
„Bexey I just don't- he cut me off
„No, we are going to party as hard as we used to do before that whore entered your life"
„She isn't a whore. Don't ever call her like that"
„You simp over her way to much"
„Cause I love her"
„See you at 8. Party is at my crib. Don't bring this girl with you"

Before I could say anything more he left the room.
This really isn't the life I want to live anymore.
If anyone had told me that I'd feel this way right now like a few month ago I would have told them they are insane. Crazy.

Later that day Rose went home- well not home but to her old one- to pack some things.
Tracy had convinced me that I should go to the party and just chill with the boys like we used to do and that I don't have to get girls and I shouldn't cause my girlfriend would lay in my bed waiting for me and only for me to come home.

~Later at the party~

Rose stayed at home and said she'd watch some netflix with Joel to tell him all the news. I knew I'd miss her, but I can trust Joel.

We entered the house of Bexey, which was already crowded. Some music played and people danced all around the house.
„Hey man you came!" Bexey reeled towards me.
„I guess" I said and scratched the back of my head.
„Take those" he said and laid a few pills in my hand.

Rose had told me that it would be okay if I take a bit, but she begged me not to take that much. But here is a big offer.

„What's that?"
„That's some acid, molly and a bar of Xanax"
„That's to much"
„U used to do twice of it so shut the fuck up"

I swallowed them dry and walked to the fridge to get some Sprite. Then the drugs kicked in and as my vision got blurry I sat down on the couch.

The rest of the evening was quite a blur.
A girl with blue hair sat down next to me and began touching me.
„Peep I'm such a big fan, please let me"

I didn't answer. I'm so fucked from that cocktail of drugs holy shit. The girl sat down on my lap and began moving her ass. It felt so wrong. Her ass just doesn't fit my lap. She got of it and sat down in front of me. Her hand slid under my trousers and then she kissed me. I let her. Tracy looked at me, disappointed and sad. Then there was nothing else I remember.

I heard her scream crying at me.
Her face was red and her eyeliner was smudged under her eyes.

I collapsed on the bed she had laid in 2 minutes ago before I came home. Tracy had told her. He had told her not me. And I don't even remember what exactly happened. I think we kissed but did she do more?

„You are so pathetic Gustav, just don't talk to me." She never called me Gustav.

„Wait Rose"
„Why should I wait? You cheated and there is no excuse, twice"
Cheated... again... shit.

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