487 13 1

Rose POV
I closed the door, but it immediately got opened again.
„Should I drive you home?" Gus ran behind me.
„It would be pleasant"
„Hop in my car, my dear"
I still fuckin hate it when he calls me like that, but I got used to it.
„Thanks, stupid"

We got into the car and he took out a blunt and gave it to me a few times, while we drove to my house. The feeling that drives through your body, that wage of relaxation, is lit.

„See you at the party my dear" he said while I got of the car.
„Defnitly, stupid"

I entered the door.
„Hell Rose where have you been? I've been worried. You've been acting weird the last days" Joel came out of the living room.
„Chill I was at Gus and now I'm better"
„Let me guess what you did" he smirked at me
„No we didn't. We just talked cause we hadn't contact the past days"
„So this is why you've been so weird and depressed"
„What ya doing tonight?"
„I'm going to peeps concert, I promised to be there"
„Sounds dope"
Expecting to get invited to, he looked me in the eyes.
„Yea you can come to, I think that would work"
„Been waiting for this one"

We finally arrived at the party and I straight went in the crowd. We were a little late, so the concert already started. I saw Gus searching through the crowd, not finding what he looked for.
„Look me in my eyes babe,
I've been high since last Friday" he sang. I had listened to his songs while I social distanced myself during the last week. I really liked his songs. They had a deeper meaning, well some of them are just about sex and drugs but they just sounded different, not like the mainstream. Gus wasn't mainstream either, his style, his hair, everything was different and independent. I didn't even knew which genre his songs were cause they just didn't fit any of them.

He found me in the audience and smiled his biggest smile. I waved my hand and he smiled even more.

It was an open air concert and the ground was completly overcrowded. I tried to get further to the stage, but I couldn't really reach the first row. Joel stayed in the back cause it wasn't realistic to jostle with another person.

Finally a bit nearer the stage I found a place. It's been some hard work, cause everybody wanted to stand in the front.

Some dude started to harresse me. He danced and touched me places I didn't like to get touched. At least not by him. Peep watched him and I saw him getting nervous.
„What's your name hun?"
„Rose, but why do you care?"
„Wanna get a drink together"
The boy sounded weird and already drunk or stoned.
„No thanks and could you please stop touching me"
The boy kept touching me on my ass and I looked at Gus despareted. I just don't know what to do.
„Stop that right now"
I regret wearing a this short skirt and top with such a big neckline. I raised my voice a little. I pushed him away but the next second he stood behind me again. Peep watched it, obviously not knowing what to do. He kept performing but he looked unsettled.
The guy pressed himself against me. I couldn't flee cause there wasn't room.
„Listen, I don't like it so stop"
„I won't"
Between two songs Peep walked of stage. A few moments later a bodiguard stood next to us, takeing the weirdo away.
„Are you okay, miss"
„Yes thank you so so much"
I smiled at Gus again. He looked happy again.

Another bodiguard came a few moments later and took me backstage where I met Gus.
„Omg you've been so good and thank you for helping me"
„No problema"
He said with a funny Mexican accent. I laughed.
„This boy was a creep"
„Yes nobody bothers what is mine"
Did he really just say that? Fuck this felt so nice.
„Thanks again"
„But you look stunning, I mean I can understand that guy"
I slapped him playfully.
„It's the truth"
Oh such a fuckboy comment. I mean he probably didn't even mean this.
„You're such a fuckboy"
„Well I am but not in front of you"
Did he really believe I believed him?
„So what are you in front of me?"
„A gentleman"
„In your dreams"
He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, looking me straight in the eyes. He whispered quietly
„I'm a gentleman"
He slid a little more under so his hands layed on my ass. Cause I just wore a skirt, this touch was quite intimate, but when he did this, it didn't feel wrong.
„There is a party fo celebrate my concert. Do you wanna go there with me?"
Wow he asked me to go there with him? Of course I mean I don't have plans for tonight.
„I'd love to"
Gus took my hand and we walked outside to an uber.

After 15 minutes we hopped out of the car and walked towards a big house. It either was a villa then a house big driveway and a front yard that either looked like a park .
„Whose house is this?"
„Just a friend, John, he offered his house for a party to celebrate my concert"
He hadn't ever been talking about anyone named John. I wondered who he is.
„That's nice"

We entered the house and I inspected every little detail in the hall. From the back came loud music and you could hear people talk. It smelled like alcohol and weed. The marble floor and the golden candelier gave it a luxurious look. There where marble columns and big paintings. Everything looked expensive. We walked through the hall toward the music.

A boy walked towards us, I thought I had seen him before.
„Hey John thanks for celebrating that shit it's so nice"
„No problem bro, you know I love partying"
Fuck. Now I knew who he was. He was this weirdo that harassed me.
„And who is she?"
As if he didn't remember me.
„I'm Rose"
He looked at me with a not interpratable look, then smiled.
„Have fun"

Well we just went to some other dudes, that Gus knows. They were quite nice and treated me like they'd always known me. A few moments later, John stood there with two drinks for Gus and me.
I didn't knew wether I should take it but I didn't want to seem rude, so I took a sip, then talked to the others.
„Are you often at partys?"
Gus asked while he seesawed to the beat.
„Sometimes, but either in clubs and stuff not at housepartys"
„Then you are missing something, wanna dance?"
I nodded and he tuck my hand. He lead me to some other dancing people, but suddenly I couldn't control my legs anymore. My legs gave way, I  noticed that Gus tried to hold me while suddenly everything went black.


A/n sorry for cliffhanger

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