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I had spent the whole day in the studio, producing the song. In the evening I partied with the bros. We drunk, vabed and I had some Xanax. It was a chilly evening but I missed her. But I didn't want to text her, she should. I don't know how she felt about me, maybe she just fucked me out of pity. This kinda depressed me and I didn't want to find it out. I popped some xans, then went in my room to chill a little and get my thoughts in an order that makes sense to my fucked up brain. I felt the drugs in me. How they immediately changed my feelings. Suddenly it felt like nothing and my fears were gone. I just layed there and stared out of my window. Fuck it.

I took out my phone and called her. I didn't know what to say if she'd pick her phone up.
I heard a quiet voice out of my phone.
I wasn't in the condition to get something that makes sense out of my mouth.
„Yes" I brought over my lips.
„Are you high"
„Definitely and always"
„How could you do that to me, stupid, just leave in the middle of night and then not even texting me the whole day and that at 4 am getting the idea to call me? You're a dick"
She almost screamed and I winced together on my bed.
„Sorry" I didn't know what to say.
„That's the only thing that comes up to your mind? You know what. Fuck you"
Then she hung up. That hurt badly.
I leaned back and closed my eyes, hearing the others in the living room laughing. Shit that felt so wrong.
She didn't answer the phone when I called her 5 more times.
I got furious caus she could have texted me too. She overacts so often. Walking through my room, I hit the wall quite a few times. Then I threw my self on the bed and started crying. Indeed I was a fucking crybaby. Fuck her, fuck them all. But if she cared so much wether I text or call her, that means she likes me, but it's been quit easy for her to tell me that I suck.

So do you like my story so far? Do you have any suggestions for improvement? I'd really like to here your thoughts about this, cause I'm quite insecure wether you all like it.

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