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I stormed into my room and threw her on the bed. She was laughing at my goofy acting, but she had turned me on badly. Her everything made me go crazy. My lips crushed on hers and she bit them softly. Her hand slid under my shirt and she tested it out fastly.
„I want you badly" she moaned as I touched her through her under her dress. I ripped it off her thin body and her lacy bra too. I touched her through her pants and she moaned.
„We can't fuck right now babe"
I immediately stopped and looked in her eyes.
„But why? You said you wanted me. Is everything alright?"
„I'm on my period"
I leaned back and just sat down on her waist.
„But you've said you have lust. Why can't I fuck you on your period? I mean I don't care about this"
I started to stroke the soft skin in the area of her boobs.

She moaned as I touched her nipple.
„Well then if you don't care and don't mind, go on. I thought you'd think it's disgusting"
„Nothing about you is disgusting, my dear"
She seemed a little insecure, so I kissed her. Her skin tasted so good, I wanted to eat her out.
„You really don't have to be ashamed about this babe, at all not with me"
Secretly I was relieved she got her period, always a good sign.

„But we don't have to go further if you don't feel good"
„I don't think im feeling well into this situation, I really want to though"
„But baby I'm in the mood"
My kiss got more passionatful again and I wandered down from her lips to her throat, leaving a hicky on the side. I sucked her skin badly and she gasped as I slid further down.
„Are you enjoying it?"
I asked I touched her everywhere.
„Baby that's not a yes, i want to hear it from you"
I pressed my erection in my boxers on her, with a fast move I pushed them off and hit in her.
„Everything alright?"
She didn't say anything, but I could see the satisfaction in her green eyes.
I pulled her pink hair and she moaned loudly.
God I missed her, everything.
„Gus make me come, I need it badly"
I grabbed her hand and enclosed it with my fingers, then lead it down to the pillow. Her back ached while I moved in and out of her even faster. Suddenly she puffed and I noticed she was at her climax. I relieved and filled her in.

„So since there are your vacations, when should I book flight tickets to New York to show you to my momma?"
She rolled over and I pressed her closer against me.
„Whenever you want, I'm free"
I searched for flights on my phone and found one tomorrow. She had looked at my phone all the time.
„Isn't this a little spontaneous?"
„You know everything is with me"
„I gotta tell Olivia and Phill, I don't think they'll be pleased if you'd kidnapp me tomorrow. I mean I already told Olivia we are planning to visit your mom in my vacations but not an exact date."
„Okay babe then how bout in this one in 3 days? Then you have enough time"
„Sounds better"

She didn't seem that delighted. I enclosed her thin small body even thighter.

„What's wrong my dear?"
„It's I'm just scared to make something wrong"
„My momma is the chillest mom in the world, I swear. She will accept you as if you are her daughter. It won't be as awkward as with your almost dad"
„So I can be reassured?"
„Absolutely, my dear"

My fingers started to play with her hair and I kissed her tiny face over and over.

„Gusy I'm hungry, would you like to cook something again?"
„If you'd help me"
„Of course stupid"
„Remember I don't have much in my fridge"
„Shit, we'll be able to make something with it I think"

She straight went to my wardrobe as she got up, beginning to search through it. The view on her body was perfect from the bed.

„What ya doing babe?"
„I wanna have one of your shirts!"
I laughed and got up too.
„Look over there"
She took one of the shirts and stroke it over her head, not putting anything else under it.
„I don't know wether I can keep fixed on cooking when I know your so to say naked"
„Well you have too"
I snapped some boxershorts and another t shirt for me.
We started to cook pasta with a self created sauce made with the found left overs, cause I hadn't eggs or bacon for a real breakfast and it's almost been 2pm.

She decided to go home and tell her parents she'd leave for 1 week to New York. I drove her home and as I got home I booked the tickets and texted her.

Guess what!
I've booked the tickets!
So excited our first trip💕

My dear💕
I'm excited too
Miss you💕
Wanna visit tonight?

For sure
When should I be there?

My dear💕
Be there at 6?

I'll be there

I already started to pack some things for our trip and cleaned a little till I had to leave.

Rose POV
As I got home, I straight went to the kitchen to tell Olivia about the wonderful date and our plans.
„Guess what!"
„What's wrong? How was your date?"
„It was perfect! He prepared a picnic and cooked for me. We watched the sunset and then the stars, till it got a little to cold and we went home to him"
„He sounds like a gentle man. I'm so sorry he is still scared of us. He seems to be quite different on the inside"
„He is"
„I'm so glad for you"
„I'm too! And there are some news! As I already told you, he wants me to meet his mom and we are gonna visit her in New York in 3 days. Is this okay?"
„Of course, did you already got tickets?"
„Yes he texted me right even he got them"
„You gotta tell me how is mom is"
„I will"

Wow this went much more chill then I thought it would. I went up to my room and fell on my bed. This week was so exhausting, eventually I blacked out.

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