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Rose POV
„What the hell. You've just been gone yesterday"
Fuck. I completely forgot about Joel. I just let him at the concert, not even telling him that I went backstage or to that party or to Gus.

„I'm so so sorry, I just..."
„You just forgot me. Fuck you"
He was right, I forgot him. This hurt a little, but I think it was hard for him too.
„I'm so sorry"
„Just go, like yesterday. This dude changed you"
I went upstairs, not knowing what I could have said instead.

I still wore his shirt, I could fit there in like two times. Also I liked the colorful Nirvana print on it. It smelled like Gus. His scent was so intense and good, I loved it. I decided to keep it on and just change my pants into something which is more likely to go on the streets with. Some baggy jeans fitted perfectly. Just some make up and I was done.

I'm already done😂
Pick me up

I'm gonna come

But I could drive to u too

I've told you that I love
beeing your chauffeur😂

Well then get your ass here

I'm gonna be there
in 30 minutes


He was so cute.

I straight drove to John after I had dropped Rose. That asshole owes me an apology.
Harshly I walked through the front yard of Johns house and ringed the door bell.
„Hey Peep what ya doing here this early?"
He drove me crazy, playing kind in front of me.
„What the fuck was that yesterday? With Rose? And her drink?"
He didn't say anything. I took this as a conformation of his actions. My hand formed a fist while he began to stutter.
„That... ehm... it , well..."
My fist punched in his face before I had really noticed it. He wasn't prepared for this move and couldn't avoid the punch. The punch kicked him on the wall where I pinned him with my hand.
„Listen if I see you near my girl the fuck ever again, this won't end as harmless as this"
His eye already had stated to turn blue.
„I can't guarantee-
Another punch landed in his ugly pathetic face.
A little drop of blood rinsed out of the corner of his mouth.
„I won't"
„I hope so"
Seeing the blood rinsging out his mouth kinda satisfied me. Generally this situation was satisfying as hell. Now he had gotten his punishment, I could have done more, I mean he almost killed my girl and bothered her. I unleashed him and he sank down the wall. To say good bye, I kicked him in the balls and spit on him.
„Fuck you"
He whimpered while I walked away as the door slammed.

After that I was so happy. I wanted this evening to be the best in ages, so I bought some flowers for Rose and  cleaned my house. Then I noticed she texted me that she was done.

„So where are we going princess?" I asked
She hopped inside my car and I kissed her cheek. She smiled, so cute.
„To the groceries store. What do you wanna cook?"
„Well I don't really care. I like any food. Maybe something Chinese?" I suggested
I adore Chinese food, it just tastes different.
„Ok then we'll need some other stuff, wait I'm gonna look for a recipe"
She took out her phone and I shortly saw her lockscreen. It was the selfie we took this morning where I squinted and she pulled out her tongue. So cute she had taken it as her lockscreen.
„How about chicken chop suey?"
„Sounds nice"
I drove to the parking lot and we bought all ingredients and some wine, then we got inside the car again and drove home.

I had noticed that she still wore my shirt, which was kinda cute. But still I wanna rip it of her though.
She turned up the voulume of the music and sang
„If you wanna take this line let me know right now,
Baby cause I'm breaking it down"
She vibed to the music and I had to smile while looking in her face.
„Giving girls cocaineeeeeee" we sang together.
I was pretty sure she never did cocaine, no she was this innocent girl and I was this fuckboy that tuned her into something evil. Fuck.
She layed her hand on my lab and stroke up and down.
„What du you wanna do? Make me fuck you while I'm driving? This doesn't work babe. God you turn me on"
„Maybe, but I'm hungry again"
„Hungry for di-
She hit my leg.
„Why? you began teasing me"
„I know"
Her hand slid further towards my dick. I tried to keep my eyes on the traffic.
„God I'll destroy you at home"
She slid under my trousers, touching me through the boxershorts.
„You want me to have an accident don't you? Fuck"
She knew what she did and what she wanted. She slid out of my pants again and just layed her hand in my lap again.
„No I really don't want an accident, but I want you"
I drove faster till I finally parked my car in the front of my house.

We brought our purchases in the house and Rose started cooking.
„You could cut the vegetables"
I started slicing the paprika and mushrooms in little pieces, then made them in the pot. She gave some spices in there.
„See coking is quite easy, you just have to follow the advices"
„Yeah I know but I'm too lazy for all that stuff"
She gave the mixture a stir while I roasted the chicken in the pan, then I gave it to the sauce.
I stood behind her and looked over her shoulder to see the pot. My hands almost automatically found their way to her waist and I put my head on her shoulder.
„Smells yummy"
„It's almost done, you could set the table"
I already had set the table, I just arranged the flowers again, poured some wine in the glases and lit the candles.
„I'm done"
She came with two plates in her hand to the dining table.

„This looks beautiful. That wouldn't have been necessary"
„Well I had some time left, so I set the table before I picked you up"
She smiled and placed the plates on the table and we sat down. Seeing her face in the candle light just hits different. She smiled and inspected the flowers.
„This seems like a date"
Fuck. Was this to much? I just wanted to make it perfect. Maybe she didn't like that it was kind of a date.
„You can label it what you want"

I smiled and she took a bit of her food. I hadn't eat something home made in ages. I didn't really cook and hadn't the time for stuff like this. I griped my fork and took a bit too. Holy shit this was spicy, I was used to spicy food but this was another level of spiceyness. Damn it. She looked calm but I noticed that she took a big sip of the wine.
„That's quite spicy"
„Yea I think so too but I didn't even use chilie"
Fuck. I think I didn't slice paprika but chilie. This was my mistake. Shit.
„Ehm.. uhh-„
„What's wrong?"
„I think it's my mistake, I haven't cooked in ages and uhm... I think I muddled paprika and chilie up. I'm so sorry. Every toddler could have seen the difference between both of them. I wanted this evening to be great, but as always I'm messing it up. I'm so sorry"

I always mess up everything, nothing went like I wanted it to ever.
„This could have happened everybody, no worries" she said calm.
I'm so stupid.
„Indeed I'm a stupid. Wanna get some Taco Bell?"
She nodded, then I stood up and took her hand.

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