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I opened my eyes, her wrapped around me. She was still asleep, so I checked out the socials. My mum had texted me.

Hey Gusy, when are you planning to visit me with your girlfriend? I think I've seen there something on the news again about you two.

Shit, again? What could it be this time?
I opened Instagram.

Spotted: Lil peep, the new comer rapper, kissing some girl in public. Is this the mysterious girl from the car? Is it his new girlfriend?

Holy shit how did they get that picture? This was shortly before we got inside my house yesterday

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Holy shit how did they get that picture? This was shortly before we got inside my house yesterday. Shit. These paparazzis really destroy your life, I fuckin hate these bastards.

I don't know, Rose has class
the next days
Maybe we could visit you
in her holidays
These paparazzis are annoying af
They don't accept any privacy

I'm so sorry for you
When are her holidays?

Idk I'll ask her but in one or two
weeks I think

Text me if you know
I love you

I will
Love you too

I stroke over Rose cheek and she flinched a little.
„Stop that"
I smiled and she ruffeled her nose as I tickled over her cheek again.
„Good morning my dear"
She yawned cute and pressed herself against me and I pulled her even closer. Stroking over her soft skin under her boobs was like therapy, it distracted me from everything bad.
„Good morning, stupid"

She opened her bright green eyes and look straight into mine. Her hand wandered through my hair and I kissed her. I let her fondle my hair and transform it into an even bigger mess.

„The pink side of your hair isn't that pink anymore, you gotta dye it"
I grabbed a streak of my hair and inspected it. I know I had to redye it.
„Well and your hair looks like it could get dyed too" I said.
She smirked
„What Color?"
„You wanna dye it for real? Every color would fit you" I freaked out.
„Why not?" She said.
„You don't have to, if you don't want. I won't force you to do anything" I said insecure.
She got on top of me.

„As if I would let anyone force me to do something"
„May I remember you on your first joint? You said you didn't want to be rude"
„Shut up, stupid"
She pinned my hands up, next to my head.
„No my dear"

She pressed her lips on mine to silence me. My hand landed on her ass and I pushed her on to my waist. I let the erection come and she seemed satisfied as she slowly sat down on it. She began riding up and down on my dick. I moaned and her hand landed on my mouth.
„Phil really shouldn't hear us, he already has a problem with you, he shouldn't know that you are fucking his little girl"

„Now you are my little girl"
She moved her ass up and down faster and faster.
The door got opened.

„Hey breakfast is- what the fuck I'm sorry"
Joel stood there staring at us. Fastly she got of me and covered us with her blanket.
„What the fuck go away"
„Oh god I'm sorry" Joel closed the door.
„Holy shit, for luck it was just Joel" she got up while saying this.

I watched her walking to the wardrobe, inspecting her boobs and ass.
„So, when are your holidays? My mom wants to meet you badly. And well there are some bad news again."
„What? Bad news?"
„Yes there is a new picture of us"
„Show me"

I gave her my phone and she looked at the picture
„Shit, but what's so bad about it? I mean they'll find out. Not a that big problem"
She was chilled and this comforted me a lot.
She threw on a hoodie and some short pants.
„Well if you are okay with this, it's okay for me too"
I got dressed too.

„What's your plan today?"
„I don't know, dye my hair, visit my dealer and well I think I got there some ideas" I looked at her and grint naughty.

„You're so kinky, then we should get some dye"
I kissed her and we left the room.

For luck her family was already done eating breakfast, it would have been completely awkward again. Her dad stared at me as if he wanted to kill me.

„Goodbye, see you again"
I said as I left the door. I only heard a „see you soon" as the door closed from Olivia.

„I think your dad hates me"
I said as I got into Rose car.
„No, I think he just wants to protect me cause you look like a fuckboy. Or a junkie."
„But I am defnitly not a fuckboy. I can't say no to the other one."
Her eyes focused on me with a reproachful look.
„Well you are kind of a fuck boy, may I remember you on telling me you fucked every bitch you-
„Stop, that's true, but ehm... That isn't the latest version of me"
Her eyebrow raised as I said that.
„Well you are, you kissed this girl"
Shit, not this again.
„No Rose, please just don't talk about this again. This will never happen again. You gotta understand that I'm working on my bad habits, I really do, believe me"
She leaned back in her seat and gasped.
„Rose tell me what's annoying you, I can't help you if you don't tell me what I should change."
She kept quiet and I looked at her.
„It's just well ehm, I don't know. Everything is alright"
I felt that it wasn't, but I can't change it if she didn't want to talk about it.

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