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Rose POV
I can't believe we did that. Under full awareness this wouldn't have happend.  I didn't came here with the intuition to fuck him, but I didn't want to stop either or seem to be rude. He didn't force me to anything and wanted to make me feel good, feel comfortable but also fuck me harsh. It felt right in that moment, so perfekt.

My legs didn't stop shaking wich kinda made me nervous. My breath still wasn't under control and I saw his wasn't too.
„I'm sorry for that bruise my dear."
Shit, there was a bruise? Where? That meant collars for at least a week.
„Shit, but I liked it"
„What did u like?"
Did he wanted me to say what I liked or just hear those words out of my mouth?
„Your dick fucking me, your hands choking me, your lips on mine and ehm-
„You are naughty"
„Why am I you sat on my waist and began teasing me, so you are"
The moment he sat on me was incredible. It tingeled uncommonly extrem. I knew it was going to end in sex when I couldn't stop myself from gliding under his shirt. He laughed.
„You are sweet and don't take everything I say to serious"
„Why am I sweet?"
„Because you care about everything I tell you and you... well I don't know"
I turned my face to his. He looked me in the eyes and rolled closer to me, laying his tattooed arm on my waist and stroke the soft skin with his fingers softly. Something in my stomach titillated in a good way. His long nails were painted pink,but the coat dissolved a lot. He planted happyly when he cuddled me, playing with my long, blonde hair. His hair was so whacked from dyeing it, I had the urge to put conditioner on it. But it looked so awesome and different. The one side was colored pink, the other one black. But he was the type for it, not everybody is. I heard a quiet snoring and smiled. He kissed me on the cheek as I fell asleep.

A/n very short chapter I'm sorry

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