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Rose POV
I was still curious what happend backstage but I didn't want to just go there without permission. I was still agitated about this whole situation. I didn't want to seem rude or anything like that so I smoked my first joint. I can't believe I did that. I am not sure wether peep is gonna text me or not, he hadn't said anything when he left.

At 3 am I left, Joel wanted to stay so I decided to walk home so I don't stink like that Club. I enjoyed this evening so much I didn't know I would like that kind of party even though it was oddball.

Suddenly my phone rang and I almost got a heart attack. I didn't know the number but I answeared it.

„Hey my dear, you left without saying bye, that's not polite" Peeps voice rumombeld through my phone. It was kinda cute that he called.

„I'm sorry, I thought you were busy and I was tired."
„Well I'm always free for you"
„Ugh that sounds disgusting"
„I'm sorry my dear. Where are you?"
„I'm on my way home. Why do you ask?"
„Then move your ass back, it's dangerous out there"
Sweet how he was worried about me.
„No worries I'm home in a few minutes"
„Well then call me when you are home or at least write me."
„I will"
„Or I'm gonna walk to you and you wait there"
„No it's okay you had to walk 20 minutes and I'm almost home "
„Well then I can't help you and you have to walk on your own"
This was soooo cute. A little intrusive but sweet.
Suddenly Gus broke the silence:
„Can we meet tomorrow?"
„I think I'm free"
„This isn't a yes"
„Yes where?"
„Good girl that's the way I like it." I busted out laughing.
„Well and this isn't a answers to my question."
„At my house?"
I started thinking about how he lives. It was kinda weird that he asked me to met him and that whole phone call was a little cringe. But I was kinda excited.
„Ok send me the address and ehm... I'm home"
„Okay then I've done my mandatory. Sleep well my dear"
„Thanks, you too and get home save"

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