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Rose POV
I got up at 12am with a disgusting taste in my mouth. I looked at my phone.

Hey are you awake?
Good morning?
Well I'm gonna pick you up
at 2 am no discussion
Get your ass up

I just got up chill
Okay im gonna be ready
I'm going to send you my address

How could he be up that earily even though he went to sleep much later.

Nevermind I stood up and got ready for my day. As I walked into Joel's room I could see him with that girl in bed still sleeping. A regular though. I walked in the kitchen to get some breakfast. Olivia sat on the couch in the living room.
„How was the last night?"
I grabbed my favorite Cornflakes and sat next to her.
„It was awesome and quite cool"
„I'm glad you liked it, yesterday you didn't seem happy you had to go there"
„Yea it was a little weird but all in all good"
„Everything is a little weird isn't it?"
Olivia is the chillest and coolest mum you could just imagine. She understands us and is always interested in things we do. Sometimes it is annoying but it's so great to always have somebody there for you when you need it. When I met my mom the last time, I was very traumatized after and she gave me the warmth my mom never gave me. She was there for me when my mom started getting problems.
„The guy from Highschool that gave the concert was actually nice, he picks me up in an hour and we are gonna hang around."
„Sounds fun, then go get ready"
„Yes you are right"

I putted on some baggy chill trousers an threw on a patterns crop top, a beanie and some chains.

Then peep called telling me he arrived, so I ran downstairs were I saw the tall boy leaning on his old wracked car, a smile on his tattooed face.

„Hey my dear how are you"
„Stop calling me my dear"
„No worries, I won't stop calling you like that my dear."
I hated it
„Ok then I won't stop calling you stupid"
„Call me what you want, my dear"
We entered the car and he started the engine.
„Where are we driving?"
„To my house it's not far from here"
„Okay, are you living alone?"
„That's a tough question though there are always some people but if you ask like that then I live alone"
„What's interesting in that?"
„Just that you live alone but you are never alone"
Peep pushed a few buttons, cursed a few times but then music started to crash trough a big jukebox with a huge subwoofer.
Suddenly Gus started singing to the music
„Girl, you know you make my cold heart warm with a touch
One kiss, then we fuckin', I just can't get enough"
„Is this your song?"
„Yes it's not published yet."
„So I'm the first person listening expect the studio dudes and you"
„Kinda true, my dear"
That was so cool. I mean I got to hear his song first.
„When do we arrive, stupid?"
We got quiet, just listening to some other songs and I looked at his face, exploring his features. His eyes were brown and focused on the street. His lips moved to the song. He wore a cap and underneath it, his hair came out hanging straggly. He seemed happy.

We entered the house, it was completely painted pink and dirty as fuck inside. Some dude sat over there on a armchair.
„Hey Gus, ohhhh who is that bitch?"
„It's my bitch so don't stare at her ass, Tracy"
Wait what did he say? I'd be his bitch? That's awkward. I decided to not complain about this. It would be a discussion and there would it be, another name for him to tease me.
„Hi I'm Rose"
„Tracy" The dude said starring provocative on my ass.
„Perv" I said pissed off.
„Stop looking there you son of a bitch" he said, then looking at me grabbing me on the shoulder with a hart grip. That made me mad but before I could throw his hand from my shoulder, he draged me in his room.
„Why do you gripe so hard, stupid?"
„Cause I like it hard, my dear"
Ugh this was definitely meant sexual.
„I gotta puke now"
„Oh I'm sorry,dear"

He threw himself on his king sized bed and invited me in. Uncertain I walked over and sat down. I checked out his room. There wasn't much decor, just some photos of him and friends. His bed sheets were red. On the wall hing a mirror where the bed reflected in. He looked like he didn't know what to do. He took out some weed and built a joint. After he lit it, he gave it to me. I didn't want to be rude again so I took it and took a deep puff. I looked fascinating at it then gave it back to him.
„You like that shit don't you"
„Yes it's fascinating how it makes you feel"
„You gave me the feeling it's been your first time yesterday"
Fuck he got me I thought I would have acted cool.
„Fuck got me"
„Why fuck? It is good you never tried it but as it seems I'm a bad influence for you innocent girl. I'm sorry"
For real he looked sad.
„Well there are more people that are a bad influence for me, but kinda right I didn't want to be rude yesterday"
„It isn't rude when you don't smoke weed or stuff"
„Well but I thought so and I liked it and you have to try once in your life. Or twice. Or more often"
We laughed.
„What you wanna do today" I asked to lead this discussion away from this bad influence talk.
„Would you fuck me right on the floor?
I'm feelin' naughty" he sang a little high.
„Why not?"
„Why yes?"

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