Maybe Tomorrow

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AN-This final chapter takes place a few days before Rip picks everyone up.

The knife hits the bar with a dull thunk. Sliding my fingers around the handle, I move it back and forth, digging it deeper into the soft wood. Splinters lay discarded beside the newest slit, surrounded by similar cuts.

A glass slams down beside my hand, emptying half its contents onto my hand.

"Hey buddy you missed-"

"Drop that knife one more time onto my bar and I poison your next drink." The bar tender glowers at me, before moving down the bar.

"Suggestion taken and ignored," I mutter dropping the knife into the bar again. The rhythmic thud is hard to distinguish under the loud chatter and pulsing music.

A man sidles up beside me, leaning his forearms against the bar, shooting me a quick look before doing a double take.


The voice sends ice through my spine. My shoulders tense but I stare resolutely ahead.

"Lenny, isn't it?" My teeth are gritted. The knife is slowly rising from the bar, unsteadily wavering in the air. "It's been a while since I tried to kill you."

The man shrugs, eyes following the knife, warily.

"You'll have to wait your turn, there's a line now."

I let out a derisive snort but don't give him a response. Hoping he'd take the hint and get out before the knife found its way between his eyes. I catch myself wondering if they're still as blue as I remember then kick myself.

"Still violent and telekinetic, I see." He says sarcastically and I see him poke the knife suspended in midair.

"A gift from the explosion you left me me to die in." I lift my eyes from the bar, daring myself to look over at him.

Immediate regret. His eyes are still just as startlingly blue. I can see the hurt passing through them. I should feel victorious but instead my stomach drops and I look away. The knife hits the bar with a thunk.

"Haven't seen you in the paper." Snart continues. He turns around so his back is against the bar. His eyes pass across the room, lazily flicking from person to person. "So, you working here now? Or at a Big Burger, that seems more your speed."

Sucking my teeth, I turn completely in my seat. "Open your mouth one more time and you'll be picking teeth up off the floor."

He looks unruffled and turns towards me, reaching for my drink. As he raises it to his lips, I smack it out of his hands. It shatters on the floor, spraying his boots with a mix of whiskey and glass shards.

He looks slowly from the floor to me.

"Well that was uncalled for."

"You've got a lot of nerve coming up to me." I poke him in the chest and he snatches my hand.

His eyes bore into mine and the words die in my mouth.

"I never meant to leave you behind."
His hand clenches around mine. "Mick was gone, the cops were on our tail, I couldn't find you."

I snort, looking away.

"I thought you were dead." His voice is hollow. His grip loosens on my hand and I pull away. He leans back on his stool, defeat sitting on his shoulders.

He's watching me as I look him up and down. He's not who he was. Not just because he added a stupid blue parka to his wardrobe.

No something is different. I can't decide if that's good or bad.

Maybe it's how he's here. He's sorry. He was sorry last time too, I guess. But I was focusing more on how to kill him then.

He didn't want to leave me. But he did. If our roles reversed, would I have tried to find him?

I want to say yes. Of course I would. I care about my business partners. But deep down I'm not sure.

"Kari, I'm sorry." He's not looking at me anymore. He's moving the knife back and forth on the bar, watching as splinters make a pile of flakes.

Raising a hand, I pull the knife pulls free of the bar and direct it towards me. The handle hits the palm of my hand and my fingers curl around it.

My head is nodding before I know what I'm doing.

"Yeah." There's nothing to say. Nothing left but too much history to unpack. So I slide off my stool, and move to walk away. 

"I'll see you around, Colonel Chilly." There's a ghost of humor there and I almost smile back at him, waiting for a comeback.

"Let me buy you a drink."

There's no joke there. He's still apologizing. Still trying to rebuild this partnership. If that's what it was.

But I'm not ready. Not yet.

I slowly turn around and look him in the eye. He's watching me but he can guess my answer.

So I decide to change it.

"Ask me tomorrow."

The corner of his mouth lifts for a moment before I turn around, heading for the door, glad to hide my smile.

The End

So this is it. It's been a good 5 years or so. Or longer. But we're done. If you've been around for the whole thing, holy cow. But this is it. I hope you enjoyed the shameless self-insert of a single, sixteen-year-old.

Thanks to AprilRenton for editing this along the way (yes I know it's been awhile but I'm pretty sure this last chapter was your idea).

Thanks to every single one of you for reading this story and encouraging me along the way. Your comments mean the world.

Stay awesome.

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