Ice Cold Hearts

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Flashback Pt 2

*2014 Age 24*

"Left here!"

"No it's a right."

"Lenny, listen to me it's a left."

"Jones, I've been here more than the bankers themselves, it's a right."

Snart and I are inside The Central City Bank here to borrow a couple thousand from the safety deposit boxes. Most people are out to see the Particle Accelerator go off. Hope they have fun with that. Thieves like us are going to make a mint tonight.

Well maybe not us because Snart refuses to go the right way. The idiot.

"Snart, I'll make you a deal," I begin slowly.

He turns to look at me raising an eyebrow.

"Go on."

I smirk.

"I'll go left. You go right. Whoever doesn't find the boxes has to buy the other a drink."

Snart smirks back.

"I want a beer at the Saints and Sinners, Jones," he says as he turns right down the hallway.

"I want the mayor's coffee mug," I call back over my shoulder.

Snart's laughter rings off the walls.

"Never gonna happen!"

"Yeah it will!" I yell back as I skip down the hall.

His chuckle grows farther and farther away as the hall stretches onward. The darkness in here is oppressive, squeezing my eyeballs. My eyes strain in the blackness to make out an outline of a door or window but nothing appears. Soft thuds from my boots bounce off the walls but are practically silent. Finally a glimmer of light shines from ahead and a small satisfied noise comes from my mouth.

Ah ha.

I stretch out my fingers straining for the door ahead. The cool wood welcomes my fingers as I grope for a handle.


"Yay," I murmur as the metal handle turns silently admitting me inside.

The door swings wide into the awaiting room. Carefully I reach into my pocket and withdrawal my flashlight. With a tiny click it illuminates the room.

"Crap," I mutter under my breath.

It's a stupid office.

A fancy oaken desk is on my right complete with a fancy computer, stylish leather spinny chair and copper name plaque.

"Well, Mr," I pause to look at the plaque, "Wentworth Miller, you just lost me five bucks."

I plop down in the chair and lazily spin around waiting for my phone to buzz.

Snart won't let this one go for another three months. Stupid smug arse.

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